Political radicalism
The belief in independence of Russia and its special way of development were included also into the concept of a revolutionary reorganisation of a society. Conditions for cultivation of radical ideas of social transformation to Russia existed: the low standard of living of considerable weight of the population, appreciable rupture in incomes of various groups of a society, class privileges of one and restrictions for others, absence of the civil and political rights etc. the Ancestor of idea of revolutionary overthrow of autocracy became A.N.Radishchev (1749-1802). Instead of a monarchy he offered national board in the form of voluntary federation of free cities by an example of Ancient Novgorod. The national board, in its opinion, corresponds to "a human nature» as it is based on principles of people's sovereignty and неотчуждаемости the natural rights of the person. At the head of federation there should be the worthy people who have been put forward by the people. Let's notice that the idea of direct board of the people was utopian, its realisation returned a society in the past - to вечевым to usages.
After A.N.Radishcheva Decembrists aspired to realise idea of a revolutionary reorganisation. A monarchy, under the project
P.I.Pestel (1793-1826), should give way to the republican board guaranteeing the natural rights and personal freedoms. It denied a principle of division of the authorities, but the power supreme bodies (National Veche, the Majestic Duma, the Supreme Cathedral) suggested to form by realisation of the general suffrage.
In second half of XIX-th century the political thought of Russia tested considerable influence of the European socialism and anarchism. It made active those forces in Russia which denied the forms which have developed in it of statehood. However representatives of radical political thought of more attention gave to implementers of the ideals.
Revolutionaries-democrats V.G.Belinsky (1811-1848), A.I.Herzen (1812-1870), N.G.Chernyshevsky (1828-1889), (1840-1868) considered as D.I.Pisarev armed revolt by unique means of overthrow of autocracy. In their opinion, it there should be a country revolution which will establish «social republic» with the Supreme power of the people. Revolutionaries-democrats considered as a basis of the future economic and political system a country community. In it their utopianism as already then the community did not represent uniform formation was shown, it was stratified. On N.G.Chernyshevsky, in «social republic» the legislature belongs to the people, and the government should be responsible before it. The right of the people presented by National Meeting, - to supervise executive power.
Hostility to the western liberalism and the constitutionalism which has developed in the West to the state institutes is distinctly traced and in русскоманархизме. Its supporters negatively concerned not only is concrete to Russian, calling for its overthrow, but to any state and the right limiting freedom of individuals. Representatives of anarchism M.A.Bakunin (1814-1876) and P.A.Kropotkin (1842-1912) started with the thesis that the state is angrily as disturbs to natural existence of people. Anarchy, on M.A.Bakunin, - «is the free union of agricultural and factory working associations, communities, areas and the people, and, at last, in more long-term future - the universal brotherhood triumphing on ruins of all future states». M.A.Bakunin criticised K.Marx's idea about proletariat dictatorship, including its form of suppression of one part of a society another.
P.A.Kropotkin named an ideal of the future device «anarchical communism». He understood the free union of the self-coping communities which basis become free взаимосоглашения people As it. Over them there will be no Supreme prices -
тральной the authorities. Certainly, ideals of anarchists are unrealizable, however their criticism of the state socialism corrupting influences of the power on the person, requirements of justice and respect of the rights and freedom of the individual define their importance in the history of political thought of Russia.
Control questions to a theme
1. Name the factors which have caused features of development of political thought in Russia.
2. What distinctive features of development of political ideas in Russia?
3. Compare, as the maintenance of the Russian political ideas in XI and in XIV centuries changed
4. How the power nature in the Russian political thought speaks?
5. Why development of political ideas is closely connected with state development?
6. How ideas of the French Education have affected development of political thought in Russia?
7. Compare V.N.Tatischev and F.Prokopovicha's political ideas.
8. In what feature of liberal political ideas in Russia?
9. What basic ideas of Russian conservatism?
10. In what sense of political ideas of A.N.Radishcheva?
11. What essence of the political concept of anarchism?
Logic tasks and problem questions
1. Compare two points of view of a parity of the purpose and means in the politician:
"The end justifies the means" (N.Makiavelli);
«The purpose leaves in an abstract distance, means remain a direct reality... When apply malicious means opposite to the purposes the purpose never reach, all replace with means and about the purposes forget, or they turn to pure rhetoric... The Purpose makes sense only in the event that it to start to carry out now, here» (H.A. Бердяев).
2. In the work «the Course of the state science» among other questions B.N.Tchitcherin has considered also a multi-party system problem. For an objective estimation of a principle of multi-party system in creation of a lawful state it has revealed its merits and demerits:
• All major political problems receive all-round public illumination.
• opposition Presence forces the government to fulfil the promises made by it, to operate effectively.
• At party members the discipline necessary for political strike is brought up.
• In the course of political confrontation on in the lead positions the most talented people are selected.
• the Accessory of the individual to party forms at it unilateral understanding of the validity as he should look at it eyes of this party.
• "Spirit" of the party covers disinterested service to general welfare as the behaviour of the person is subordinated to interests of party.
• For a victory over the opponent of party appeal to low instincts of weights.
• In party political strike use the dirtiest means: slander, lie etc.
• Incessant struggle against opposition weakens the forces of the government necessary for it for creation.
Whether you agree with B.N.Tchitcherin's estimations? For the answer give reason.
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 235;