Synopsis of Categories


I. Existence

A. Being in the Abstract

B. Being in the Concrete

C. Formal Existence

D. Modal Existence

II. Relation

A. Absolute Relation

B. Partial Relation

C. Correspondence of Relationship

III. Quantity

A. Simple Quantity

B. Comparative Quantity

C. Conjunctive Quantity

D. Wholeness

IV. Order

A. Order in General

B. Consecutive Order

C. Collective Order

D. Distributive Order

E. Conformity to Rule

V. Number

A. Number in General

B. Determinate Number

C. Indeterminate Number

VI. Time

A. Absolute Time

B. Relative Time

С. Time with Reference to Age

D. Time with Reference to Season

E. Recurrent Time

VII. Change

VIII. Eventuality

IX. Causation Power

A. Power in General

B. Power in Operation

C. Indirect Power

D. Combination of Forces



I. Space in General

A. Abstract Space

B. Specific Space

C. Relative Space

D. Existence in Space

II. Dimensions

A. General Dimensions

B. Linear Dimensions

C. External and Internal

III. Structure, Forms

A. General Form

B. Special Form

C. Superficial Form

IV. Motion

A. Motion in General

B. Change of Place

C. Motion Conjoined with Force

D. Motion with Reference to Direction



I. Physics

II. Heat

III. Light

IV. Electricity and Electronics

V. Mechanics

VI. Physical Properties

VII. Color



I. Matter in General

II. Inorganic Matter

A. Mineral Kingdom

B. Soil

C. Fluids

D. Vapors

III. Organic Matter

A. Animal and Vegetable Kingdom

B. Vitality

C. Vegetable Life

D. Animal Life

E. Mankind

F. Male and Female



I. Sensation in General

II. Touch

III. Taste

IV. Smell

V. Sight

VI. Hearing

A. Perception of Sound

B. Sound

C. Specific Sounds

D. Unmusical Sounds

E. Musical Sounds



I. Intellectual Faculties and Processes

A. Faculties

B. Comprehension

C. Functions of the Mind

D. Reasoning Processes

E. Considerations

F. Assessment

G. Conclusion

H. Theory

I. Belief

J. Grounds for Belief

K. Qualifications

L. Conformity to Fact

M. Acceptance

II. States of Mind

A. Mental Attitudes

B. Creative Thought

C. Recollection

D. Anticipation

III. Communication of Ideas

A. Nature of Ideas Communicated

B. Modes of Communication

C. Education

D. Indication

E. Representation

F. Arts of Design

G. Language

H. Grammar

I. Style; Mode of Expression

J. Spoken Language

K. Written Language

L. Linguistic Representation

M. Uncommunicativeness; Secrecy

N. Falsehood



I. Volition in General

A. Will

B. Resolution; Determination

C. Irresolution; Caprice

D. Evasion

E. Inclination

F. Choice

G. Custom

H. Motive

I. Purpose

J. Ways and Means

K. Use

II. Conditions

A. Adaptation to Ends

B. Wholesomeness

C. Health

Дата добавления: 2016-09-20; просмотров: 562;

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