EXERCISE 4 Insert the omitted word from the text
1. When pressures in the __________have fallen to the point where a well will not produce by __________, some method of __________ must be used.
2. The __________ is a complete set of surface equipment necessary to impart an__________ to the sucker-rod string, to which the __________ is connected.
3. Speed reduction between the __________ and the __________ is accomplished by a combination of a V-belt drive and gear reducer.
4. The __________ is lifted by means of a cable looped over the horsehead and connected to the carrier bar to support the __________ clamp.
5. __________wells need a means of sealing off the pressure inside the tubing to prevent leakage of __________ and __________ outside the polished rod.
Prime mover, bottom-hole pump, rod string, liquid, polished-rod, natural energy, oil reservoir, pumping unit, artificial lift, up-and-down motion, gas, pitman crank, pumping. |
EXERCISE 5 Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones with the right information and discuss your answers with a partner.
1. Method of artificial lift uses low -pressure gas to lift the oil from the reservoir.
2. With an engine of 6000 revolutions per minute (RPM), a speed reduction ratio of 30 to 1 is necessary to operate the unit at 20 strokes per minute.
3. The rod string is lifted by means of a cable looped over the horsehead and connected to the carrier bar to support the polished-rod clamp.
4. A set of weights, attached to the crank, counterbalances the weight of the rods and part of the weight of the fluid, which are suspended from the opposite end of the walking beam and helps the power plant fall rods and fluid on the downstroke.
5. Stuffing boxes consist of flexible material or packing housed in a box, which provides a method of compressing the packing.
EXERCISE 6 Connect the terms with their definitions.
1. Artificial lift | a) a down-hole oil pump located on the bottom of the tubing on a beam well. The sucker-rod pump is activated by the sucker-rod string rising and falling in the tubing thus pulling plunger up and down. |
2. Natural lift | b) a tool used to measure temperature in a well at a specific depth. |
3. Pressure differential | c) a mechanical method that is used to assist in lifting crude oil in a well to the surface. The most common methods are sucker-rod pump, hydraulic pump, gas lift and electric submersible pump. |
4. Bottom-hole thermometer | d) the flow of formation fluids out of a well without artificial lift. The reservoir pressure is sufficient to lift the fluids to the surface. |
5. Sucker-rod pump | e) difference between pressures in the well bore and reservoir or in the well bore intervals. |
EXERCISE 7 Make up your own sentences using the following words:
Beam pump, injection, thermal processes, sucker-rod pump, gas-to-liquid ratio, pressure.
Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 829;