EXERCISE 27 Translate into Russian in written form.

1. Organic residue carried by waters eventually settled to the bottom of the ancient seas.

2. The movement of oil and gas from its place of origin was both vertical and lateral.

3. The porosity of the rock, the pore size and the size of connecting channels between pores are all related to permeability.

4. One of conditions required for generation of major oil gas accumulations is availability of impermeable rocks (caps) restricting vertical oil and gas migration.

5. The shortest distance between oil and gas bearing formation top and bottom is called formation thickness.

EXERCISE 28 Translate into English in written form.

Коллекторы с газонапорным режимом

Нефть в подземных коллекторах содержит растворенные в ней различные количества газа, который появляется и расширяется по мере понижения давления в коллекторе. Когда газ выходит из нефти и расширяется, он движет нефть через коллектор к скважинам и способствует ее подъему к поверхности. Коллекторы, из которых добыча производится при помощи выхода и расширения растворенного в нефти газа, называются коллекторами с «напорным режимом растворенного газа». Такой процесс добычи нефти обычно считается наименее эффективным режимом, позволяющим максимально получить от 15 до 25 % содержащейся в коллекторе нефти.

EXERCISE 28 Add the missing words to this puzzle.

A crossword puzzle


1. It is piece of equipment that exists atop (the exposed area above ground) of a well.

2. Easiness with which oil can be poured. It means thick oil.

3. Easiness with which fluid can move through porous rock. It means numerous channels for oil and gas migration.

4. It is the geological process by which sediments, soil, and rocks are added to a landform or land mass.


1. It is a naturally occurring flammable liquid consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other liquid organic compounds, that are found in geologic formations beneath the Earth's surface.

2. This reservoir is geological structure or trap which this has migrated and within which it has been trapped and has accumulated.

3. Availability of pore spaces between rock particles. It is a ratio of open space to total volume of rock and is calculated in percentage.

4. Underground reservoir that prevents the escape of oil contained in it.






EXERCISE 1 Read and translate the text "Exploration methods".

Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 1197;

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