Fill in the missing columns


Bahrain [bα:'reɪn] The Kingdom of Bahrain Manama Arabic
Egypt ['i: dʒɪpt] The Arab Republic of Egypt Cairo  
Iran [ɪ'rɑ:n] The Islamic Republic of Iran   Persian
Iraq   Baghdad Arabic, Kurdish
Israel The State of Israel   Hebrew, Arabic
  The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Amman Arabic
Kuwait The State of Kuwait Kuwait City  
  the Republic of Lebanon Beirut Arabic
Saudi Arabia The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia   Arabic
Sudan The Republic of the Sudan Khartoum  
  Syrian Arab Republic Damascus Arabic
Turkey   Ankara Turkish
Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates   Arabic
Yemen   Sana’a Arabic

Exercise 5.

Match the country names with the corresponding description .Consult the map on page 9.


Egypt borders the Mediterranean Sea, between Egypt and Lebanon
Iraq Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Libya and the Gaza Strip, and the Red Sea north of Sudan, and includes the Asian Sinai Peninsula
Israel Borders the Persian Gulf, between Iran and Kuwait
Turkey northwest of Saudi Arabia
Iran borders the Mediterranean Sea, between Lebanon and Turkey
Syria borders the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, and the Caspian Sea, between Iraq and Pakistan
Jordan Southeastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, borders the Black Sea, between Bulgaria and Georgia, and borders the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, between Greece and Syria


Exercise 6.

Match the name of geographical objects with the corresponding Russian equivalents and find them on the map.

Arabian peninsula Мертвое море
The Gulf of Aden Аденский залив
The Arabian Sea Черное море
Golan Heights Красное море
The Euphrates Суэцкий залив
The Caspian Sea Каспийское море
The Red Sea Сахара
The Dead Sea Аравийский полуостров
The Nile Оманский залив
The Gulf of Oman Синайский полуостров
The Gulf Аравийское море
Sahara desert Голанские высоты
Sinai Peninsula Суэцкий канал
The Mediterranean Sea Персидский залив
The Gulf of Suez Евфрат
The Suez Canal Тигр
The Tigris Нил
The Black Sea Средиземное море


Exercise 7

In what country is the city (town) located?

Alexandria a Saudi Arabia
Medina b Egypt
Istanbul c Lebanon
Cairo d Turkey
Mecca e UAE
Izmir f Egypt
Dubai g Qatar
Port Said h Lebanon
Doha i Turkey
Babylon j Israel
Tripoli k Iran
Haifa l Iraq
Beirut m Saudi Arabia
Baghdad n Iraq
Tehran o Egypt

Exercise 8

Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 736;

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