Acquainting with basic information
Middle East includes Bahrain, Egypt, Iran (Persia), Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestinian Territory, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The main language groups include: Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Kurdish and Turkish. The corresponding adjective is Middle-Eastern.
East Jerusalem is not recognized by Israel as a separate entity, and is the location where Palestinians hope to establish their future capital.
Exercise 3
Study the vocabulary. Find the countries in the map and practice the pronunciation.
Geographical names
Country | Adjective | Capital |
1.Egypt[‘I:dʒipt] - Египет | Egyptian [I’dʒipòǝn] | Cairo [‘kairou] |
2. Israel [‘Izr(e)iǝl] - Израиль | Israeli [Iz’reiǝli] | Tel Aviv[‘ telǝ’vi:v] |
3. Iraq [I’ra:k] - Ирак | Iraqi [I’ra:ki] | Bag(h)dad [bæg‘dæd] |
4. Jordan [‘dʒɔ:dn] - Иордания | Jordanian [dʒɔ:’deini ǝn] | Amman [ǝ’ma:n] |
5. Lebanon [‘lеbǝnǝn] - Ливан | Lebanese [,lebǝ‘ni:z] | Beirut [bei’ru:t] |
6. Saudi Arabia [,saudiǝ’reibiǝ] - Саудовская Аравия | Arabian [ǝ ‘reibiǝn] | Riyadh [ri’ja:d] - Эр-Рияд |
7. Syria [‘siriǝ] - Сирия | Syrian [’siriǝn] | Damaskas [dǝ’mæskǝs] |
8. Tunisia [tju’niziǝ] - Тунис | Tunisian [tju’niziǝn] | Tunis [‘tju:nis] |
9. Palestine [‘pælǝstain] – Палестина
Palestinian [,pælǝ’stiniǝn]
10. Jerusalem [dʒǝ’ru:sǝlǝm] – г. Иерусалим
East, West Jerusalem – Западный, Восточный Иерусалим
11. Jericho [‘dʒerikou] – г. Иерихон
12. Washington [‘wɔòiŋtǝn] – г. Вашингтон
13. the Middle East – Ближний Восток
14. The West Bank – Западный берег р. Иордан
15. The Gaza Strip [‘ga:zǝ‘strip] – Сектор Газа
16. The Suez Canal [`su:iz kǝ’næl] – Суэцкий канал
17. The Sinai Peninsula [`sainaipǝ’ninsjul ǝ] – Синайский полуостров
18. The Golan Hights [’gɔ:la:n ‘haits] – Голанские высоты
19. The United Nations Organization (the UNO) – Организация Объединенных Наций
20. The Palestine Liberation Organization (the PLO) – Организация Освобождения Палестины
21. Bethlehem [‘beθlihǝm]-[ liǝm] – г.Вифлеем
22. Hebron [ ’hebron]-[‘hi:bron] – г.Хеброн
23. Southern Lebanon [‘sʌθǝn’lebǝnǝn] – Южный Ливан
24. the Aegean Sea [i(:)’dʒiǝn’si:] – Эгейское море
Exercise 4.
Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 996;