Exercise 1. Answer the following questions. 1. How can computers be classified?

1. How can computers be classified?

2. What do digital computers use for their work?

3. What are hybrid computers?

4. What is a mainframe?

5. What is another name of minicomputer?

6. When can microcomputers be called personal computers?

7. What is the difference between notebook and netbook?

8. What is a supercomputer?

9. What is the most powerful computer? Why?


Exercise 2. Mark the sentences: True/False/ No information.


1. Digital computers use analogue signals.

2. Supercomputers are the most powerful computers.

3. Based on operational system, computers can be mainframes and microcomputers.

4. Desktop computers are the most common type of personal computers.

5. We use a palmtop when we need limited functions and small size.

6. Personal computers are very handy to use.

7. The laptops’ portability and capacity to operate on battery power have proven to be of great help to mobile users.

8. A wearable computer is installed on the body when it is used in study of the behaviour modelling.

9. An embedded computer is a microprocessor in a device.


Exercise 3. Which title would you give to the text?

a. Computers

b. Digital Computers

c. Types of Computers


Exercise 4. Arrange computers according to their capacity.


a. Desktop computer

b. Server

c. Mainframe

d. Netbook

e. Notebook

f. Supercomputer

g. Embedded computer


Дата добавления: 2015-09-02; просмотров: 1413;

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