How to behave at table

Reading at one's meals is a bad habit; it is bad for your digestion and impolite towards others sitting at the same table.

Sit straight and close to the table. Don't put your elbows on the table. Don't cross your legs or spread them all over the place under the table.

Never lean across the table or over your neighbours to get something out of your reach. Just say: "Please pass the bread" or "Would you be so kind to pass the bread, please?"

Take a slice of bread from the bread-plate by hand, don’t harpoon your bread with a fork.

Fish dishes are generally eaten without using knife. If one does, it considered a serious breach of good table manners. The same refers to rissoles, cereals and, in general, to anything that is soft enough to be comfortably eaten with spoon or fork.

Chicken requires special handling. First cut as much as you can, and when you can’t use a knife and fork any longer, use your fingers.

It is wrong first to cut all the meat you have got on your plate in small pieces and then eat it. Cut off a slice at a time, eat it, then cut off another, holding your knife in the right hand and your fork in the left.

Vegetables, potatoes, macaronis are placed on your fork with the help of your knife.

Never eat the stones. Neither would it be a good idea to dispose of them by dropping them under the table, placing them in your pocket or in our neighbour's wine-glass. Just take them from your mouth on your spoon and place them on your own saucer.

Never cool your food by blowing at it. Just wait a bit, there is no hurry.

While eating, one should produce as little noise or sound as possible. It is a bad manner to speak with your mouth full. First chew and then swallow. Put the food in your mouth with your fork, never with your knife.

When you are being served, don’t pick. One piece is as good as the next.

When refusing a dish say, “No, thank you.” Don’t say, “I don’t eat that stuff,” don’t make faces or noises to show that you don’t like it.

Don't lift your plate up to your mouth.

Don't push back your plate when finished. It remains exactly where it is until whoever is waiting on you removes it.

Don't lean back and announce, 'I'm through'. The fact that you have put your fork and knife together on the plate shows that you have finished.

Don't wait until all plates are served; after a few guests have been served, it is perfectly all right to start eating.

Don't let others see what you have in your mouth.

Don't put your bread in your soup. Don't leave much on the plate: it is impolite towards your hostess. If you have liked the dish, it doesn't mean that you should polish your plate with your bread.

Don’t sip your soup as though you wanted the whole house to hear. Don’t hold your spoon in your fist, don't tilt it so as to spill its contents.

Don’t lick your spoon. If you really feel that way about it ask for a second helping.

Don't pour your tea in your saucer. After stirring your tea remouve the spoon and place it on the saucer.

Don’t forget to say “thank you” for every favour or kindness.

Put your napkin on your lap. Don’t wear it around your neck.

Gravy should be put on the meat, and the condiment, pickles and jelly at the side of whatever they accompany.

All juicy or soft fruit or cake is best eaten with a fork and when necessary a spoon or a knife also.

When passing your plate for a second helping always leave a knife and a fork on the plate and be sure the handles are far enough on not to topple off.

You may use your knife or a piece of dry crust as a pusher to guide and hold each mouthful for the fork to lift.

Fish bones are taken between finger and thumb and removed between compressed lips.

Bread should always be broken into moderate-sized pieces with the fingers before being eaten.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 1381;

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