Формы глагола

A Your Personality

G r a m m a r s t u d y

Формы глагола

(Regular and Irregular Verbs)

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II -анный/-янный Participle I -ущ/-ющ/-ащ/-ящ
что делать? что делал? какой?
to be to do to get to have to go look was / were did got had went looked been done got had gone looked be do gett hav go look ing

A smiling girl greeting everybody came into the room.

Having smiled she came into the room.

Причастие I в функции определения:

1. Convert these verbs into Participle I form, translate them & phrases given below:

a) (to) ask, (to) meet, (to) get, (to) stop, (to) report, (to) help, (to) do, (to) study, (to) teach, to take, (to) command, to go.

b) a speaking teacher, talking men, a swimming dog, playing children, a leaving train, a writing student, a smiling girl, flying gees.

Причастие I в функции обстоятельства:

(When) answering the teacher’s questions, he made some mistakes. Отвечая (когда он отвечал) на вопросы учителя, он сделал несколько ошибок.

2. Translate sentences into Russian paying attention to the functions of Participle I:

1. The reading girl is my friend’s sister. 2. The man writing on the blackboard is our teacher of English. 3. Smiling she came into the room. 4. The highway running through our village is wide. 5. Those small playing children don’t go to school. 6. The students speaking English now know it rather well. 7. The retreating enemy units crossed the river north of that hill. 8. Having done his work he went home.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-01; просмотров: 607;

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