SPEAKING/WRITING PRACTICE SECTION. 1. Identify the storage devices in the pictures and tell about their main features

1. Identify the storage devices in the pictures and tell about their main features.


2. Make a list of things that you must or mustn’t do to protect your data using the clues and pictures below. Add more recommendations to this list. Which of them do you personally follow?


· high temperatures · dust · special marker/pen · water and humidity · hold the disks around the edge · stack disks on top of each other · disks in a protective case · into the disk drive very carefully
  • near magnets; damage the information stored on
  • viruses before opening files you receive from the Web or via e-mail
  • update your anti-virus program regularly since new viruses are created everyday
  • back-ups (spare copies) of your data
  • passwords and security devices to protect confidential information


3. Describe the principles of magnetic and optical storage technologies using the diagrams below.

4.Summarize the information you learned about different forms and types of storage.

5. Make a report on one of the following topics.

  • Evolution of storage technologies.
  • Use of online storage in different spheres of life (medicine, police, business, libraries, etc.).
  • The most functional storage devices and technologies (everyday life and different spheres).
  • Storage devices and technologies that have become obsolete and reasons for this.
  • The future of storage technologies.
  • An ideal imaginary storage medium.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-30; просмотров: 768;

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