Topographic load
- Hydrographic objects ( sea , lakes , reservoirs , rivers and canals)
- Localities
- Road network.
These elements are applied on a large selection of cards , more clearly than other parts of the countryside , as they are reliable benchmarks that allow for in-flight radar and visual orientation . On the card is applied to the nature of the terrain forests , wetlands , sand , terrain, isogony and magnetic anomalies .
On the cards are intended for operation on devices , this load is minimal.
Aeronautical Information ( API ) - this is information concerning the characteristics and the actual condition of aerodromes , air routes and their equipment by radio , light technical and other means of visual orientation , as well as information on the procedures for maneuvering aircraft.
The information published on the maps ICAO:
Performance standards for cards
1. names
2 . Marginal notes ( Other information )
3 . Symbols . Abbreviations
4 . units of measurement
5 . The scale and projection
6. The dating of the Aeronautical Information
7. Writing place names . fonts
8. The state borders
9. The relief ( topography) and man-made structures
10 . coloring
11. Prohibited areas, restricted and danger areas
12. Types of ATS airspace
13. air data
14. magnetic declination
15. Common frame of reference
1. Name - the name card or a series of maps (eg routing ) are compiled in accordance with the guidelines and standards contained in ICAO documents . The aim is to fulfill the requirements to ensure uniformity and consistency in the provision of aeronautical charts . If the name of the published aeronautical chart shows " ICAO " , it means that the manufacturer has complied cards as general standards of Annex 4 , and those that relate to the type of card ICAO. if the card does not meet all the standards in its name does not include the word "ICAO" .
2. Marginal notes ( Other Information ) - In the absence of a special clause in the requirements for a specific card on the front of each card contains the following information :
- A designation or title of a series of maps . Number and name of the map name can be given in abbreviated form ;
- The name and territorial binding of the sheet;
- Information on the margin of the chart on the adjacent page ( if any) .
- Name and address of the institution that issued the card indicated on the side of the chart , with the exception of those cases where the card is being published as part of the Air Navigation document and such information
may be placed at the beginning of this document.
3 . Symbols. Abbreviations - Map table is supplied with a legend - used symbols and abbreviations , if necessary . The legend is placed on the front or back of each card , except in cases where in order to save space, the legend may be published separately.
Used symbols correspond to the signs seemed to add 2 " Chart Symbols ICAO.
4. The units of measurement used to indicate clearly shown on the front of each card :
- The distances are indicated in kilometers or nautical miles , or both, provided the units , with a clear delineation of these units.
- Altitudes , elevations and heights are in meters or feet , or both, provided the units are clearly differentiated these units.
- Linear dimensions relating to aerodromes , and the short distance are indicated in meters.
5. The scale and projection - The maps of large areas of its name, the basic parameters and the scale of the projection .
On the maps of small areas may only be a linear scale .
Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 823;