Coordinates of points on the surface of the spheroid (globe). Geodetic coordinates.


To determine the position of a point on the surface of the earth ellipsoid used ellipsoidal geodetic coordinates of the point.


Geodetic coordinates - it's angular values, determining the position of a point on the surface of the earth ellipsoid. Coordinates of the point on the ellipsoid are the geodetic latitude (B) and geodetic longitude (L).


Geodetic latitude (B) is the angle between the plane of the equator and the direction normal to the surface of the ellipsoid at this point.

Normal is perpendicular to the tangent plane passing through a given point, does not pass through the center of the ellipsoid (except at the poles and the equator) is the basis for the calculation.

Latitude is measured in degrees, minutes, seconds, or fractions of minutes.

Count (the origin) is from the equator to the poles from 0° to 90°. Latitude counted toward the north, called the North and is considered positive. Latitude, measured to the south, called the South and is considered negative. At the equator the latitude 0º at the poles 90º. All the points lie on the same parallel have the same latitude.

Designation in the collections of the letters N, S.

Example: N 43 52.7 58 º 24 '42 "S

Is it possible to measure the geodetic latitude of the arc of the meridian?

Geodetic latitude measure the arc of the meridian can not, because the surface of the ellipsoid at different points have different curvatures.


What is the difference between latitudes.






Point Х Вº 40º00׳ N 26º43׳ N 40º00׳ N 26º43׳ N
100º00E 100º00E 100º00E 100º00 W
Point У Вº 10º00 N 34º22 N 30º00 S 34º22 S
100º00E 100º00E 100º00E 100º00 W
∆ Вº 30º 7º39 70º 61º05


Geodetic longitude (L) is called a dihedral angle between the plane of the initial (Greenwich) meridian and the plane of the meridian of the point M, or the length of the arc of the equator, expressed in degrees, between the prime meridian and the meridian of the point. Count (the origin) is of the prime meridian east and west from 0° to 180°. Longitude reckoned to the east, called the East and is considered positive. Longitude, measured to the west is called the west and is considered negative. The prime meridian that runs through Greenwich (England) is 0° longitude.


Measured in degrees, minutes, seconds, or fractions of minutes.

Designation in the collections of the letters W, E.

Example: W 43 52.7 58 º 24 '42 "E



QUESTION: Is it possible to express longitude central angle corresponding to the equatorial plane or parallel?

It is possible, because the equator and parallel to the earth's ellipsoid are circles


What is the difference in longitude.




Point Х Вº 40º00׳ N 40º00׳ N 40º00׳ N 40º00׳ S
030º42 E 007º42 E 070º00 E 007º42 E
Point У Вº 40º00 N 40º00 N 40º00 N 40º00 S
070º00 E 023º26 E 030º00 W 023º26 W
∆ Lº 40º00 15º44 100º00 31º08

The position of points on the Earth's surface relative to the earth ellipsoid defined by the third coordinate, which is called the geodetic height, and the system is called the space. Geodetic height determines the position of a point on the earth's surface relative to the earth ellipsoid.


Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 1028;

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