Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is the guarantee of health of each person. Personal hygiene includes sanitary rules for care of the body, mouth, compliance with intimate hygiene, and also use of footwear, linen, clothes, being one of the most important components of hygiene at home and in public places. Properly selected personal care products are the first step to health maintaining.

Personal hygiene items usually include:

Paper toilet towels and tissues for face, towels or diapers, and other types of paper for household or sanitary-hygiene purposes;

Handkerchiefs, cleansing tissues, towels, tablecloths, napkins, diapers, tampons, bedsheets and similar household or medical devices;

Women's sanitary napkins and tampons, diapers and napkins for babies and similar sanitary articles of cotton wool;

Diapers, disposable diapers, linen (disposable) for adults, etc.;

Certificate of state registration is a documented evidence of safety of a product for personal hygiene and its compliance with the Uniform sanitary- epidemiological and hygienic requirements for the goods subject to sanitary surveillance (control) in the territory of Eurasian Economic Community Customs Union.


Role of the ophthalmic registered nurse (RN) in the practice/clinic (part 1)

Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 1607;

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