The rules of personal hygiene and health care providers the patient

Medical officer of any rank should observe good personal hygiene. Medical practice should be an example of high sanitary culture. If a health care worker himself does not take care their own health, how he can teach to protect the health of the patient?

The significance of the appearance of the medical officer said Hippocrates - the great Greek physician (460-377 ВС. E.). "The doctor said the authority, - Hippocrates said, - if he had good color and well-fed, respectively, in nature, for those who do not have good form in the body, the crowds are not able to have a proper concern for others. Then, he was decent to keep yourself clean, have good clothes and rub scented ointments (not having a suspicious odor), for all that is usually pleasant for patients."

Adherence of the day - the basic rule of personal hygiene. It is necessary to properly distribute the work and rest hours, alternating between mental work with physical.

Eating at the same clock, the rational selection of dishes, adherence to the supply quantity and quality are of utmost importance to health.

Health care worker should not have bad habits, and if he bought them, should try to get rid of them. Medical practice must carefully monitor the cleanliness of his body. The face, neck should be washed 2 times per day. It is also 1-2 times a day with warm water to wash the perineum. It is recommended to wash in the morning with cold water to the waist.

Health worker washes his hands not only before eating and after using the toilet, but before any medical procedures, and after it.

Frequent hand washing leads to dry skin, so it must be constantly nourished lubricating daily at night after work, and how some cream can be a mixture of glycerol with ammonia (1/4 of liquid ammonia and three quarters of glycerol) and rub this mixture into your skin after washing hands.

We must carefully take care of hair. Hair should always be neatly combed, avoid over-luxuriant hair, the hair during which work can stand out from under a hat or headscarf.

Oral care is also important, as the neglect leads to tooth decay and the appearance of halitosis. It should be 2 times a day (at night and in the morning) to brush their teeth after every meal to rinse your mouth.

Medical practice is also required to comply with hygiene garments. Clothing should match the time of year and weather conditions, and cut it should be such so as not to impede the circulation of individual body parts and organs work.

Shoes should be comfortable to choose, do not be too narrow, a small heel. From shoes or rubber soled microporous best avoided, since such shoes street dirt is brought to the hospital or the patient's apartment.

Overalls medical officer is of the robe, hat and shoes. The fabric is made from the hat must be white, linen or cotton, easily washable. Any hat should completely cover the hair. Gown sewn from white cotton or linen fabric, which is not destroyed by frequent washing, boiling and processing of disinfectants.

Medical personnel working in the hospital is obliged to wear slippers.

Medical ethics requires that health care worker is not only good personal hygiene, and decency. Clothes should not only be clean, but comfortable for the job. Modesty and moderation in the use of cosmetics and wearing various ornaments are dictated by the nature of the health worker.

Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 1964;

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