Taking a full scent at the start of the track
The impact of the start of a track cannot be overstated. Very often, the way that the Schutzhund dog starts will be typical of its entire performance. If the dog starts slowly, surely and with intense concentration, we can usually be assured that we are about to witness a fine track. On the other hand, if it rushes away from the starting pad without really taking the scent, or if it does not show strong motivation and drive by searching the scent pad eagerly, we can conclude that the dog will be lucky to finish its track.
After a week or two of careful work at home, our puppy has a clear understanding that “Seek!” means that if it drops its head and scours the area indicated to it, it will be rewarded. Searching a scent pad is only a minor extension of something that it already does enthusiastically.
While the pup watches from a crate or from the arms of an assistant who restrains it, the handler stamps out a scent pad on the tracking field about one yard square. He puts in a tracking flag or stake at arm’s length to the left of it, and scatters five or six small baits across it. As he “kicks in” the scent pad the handler talks to his puppy, encouraging and teasing the pup in order to excite it. Then, when all is ready, he returns to his puppy and walks it on leash to the scent pad, commands it to “Seek!” and directs it across the pad with his hand. While the pup searches out and eats the tidbits, the handler praises and pets it calmly.
The handler repeats this drill three or four times for several training sessions, at the same time gradually reducing the number of baits on the pad until finally there are only three, placed at the comers of a triangular scent pad. During this stage of training, the puppy makes the additional and useful association that it will be rewarded by searching to the right of a tracking flag.
Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 732;