III. Read the following paragraph as many times as you can in 3 minutes. Then rewrite as much info as you can remember.
By 1987 the computer market on American college campuses was thriving. Sales people from all the personal computer companies were actively pursuing the business of college administrators, professors and officials. They were selling computers less than half price and were adding attractive bonuses such as free software and support services. They were willing to venture a great deal of time and money in this market because they foresaw that it would thrive for a long time. There are 14 million people who provide or receive education on campuses, including 12.5 million new freshmen every year. Students who also buy computers are likely to become lifetime customers who may enter business after graduation and influence corporate buying decisions.
Topics for Essays, Oral or Written reports
1. Describe a kitchen gadget that you think should be invented. What would it do? Who would buy it? How should it be marked?
2. How has the world benefited from the invention of the PC? What problems have accompanied the computer revolution?
3. Of all advantages that the computer has brought to the modern world, which is the most beneficial?
4. Describe the invention that has had the greatest effect on the 20th century.
Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 1116;