Exercises. I. Read the international words and guess their meaning:


I. Read the international words and guess their meaning:

to conserve; permanent, constant; location; diagram; code; symbol; function; alternative; line; term; symbolism; specific;

actual; specially; subroutine; initial; characteristic; coder; result; to illustrate; programmer; catalogue; to consult


II. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of the words and word combinations given below:

a) to be late - опаздывать

later than - позже чем

in the late 60s - в конце 60-х годов

the latest-самый последний

the former ..., the latter ... - первый (из упомянутых) ..., последний (из упомянутых)

1. Our professor is never late for his lectures. 2. This program was made later than it was planned. 3. In the late 60s the second generation of computers appeared and began to operate. 4. The latest achievements of up-to-date (современный) computing technique are applied in our computing centre. 5. The CPU consists of two parts: the control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit; the former receives and interprets instructions and generates control signals, the latter performs real computations.

b) to set - ставить; помещать; устанавливать

to set aside - откладывать

to set up - основывать, учреждать

a set - набор; комплект; множество; прибор

a set of - ряд

to preset - заранее помещать

1. The conditional code is set as a result of all logical comparing, connecting, testing, and editing operations. 2. The Institute of Automatics and Engineering Cybernetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences was set up in the late 1930s. 3. All logical operations other than editing are the part of the standard instruction set. 4. The set of logical operations include moving, comparing, bit connecting, bit testing, translating, editing. 5. A set of instructions is provided for the logical operation of processing data. 6. Several bits of an in­struction are set aside to designate (определять) the operation code. 7. The address of a jump instruction must be preset before making a block diagram.

c) case - ящик; коробка; корпус; случай

in any case - во всяком случае

this is the case - дело обстоит так this is not the case - это не так

1. These are cases for packing all the units of the computer ES-1045. 2. In this case the bits would be divided into 14 groups of 3 bits each. 3. This is some kind of synchronization of the pulses in a computer, and in most computers this is the case: all pulses are synchronized with respect to each other. 4. In each case, the operation is suppressed; therefore the condition code and data in storage and registers remain unchanged. 5. In any case registers store information in the memory. 6. The word which comes from the arithmetic unit back to the memory is not erased, but this is not the case with a new word as the previous one in the memory is always erased.

d) yet - (пока) еще; однако, но; хотя

1. In cases where we must write instructions involving addresses of constants that have not yet been specially assigned, we usually use the symbolic coding. 2. Yet the data for processing information appeared to be more important than the data for storing information in this case. 3. The program must be debugged if the errors have not yet been corrected. 4. Yet in practice, programmers desire the computer to take alternative ways of acting.

e) once - однажды, (один) раз; как только

1. A subroutine may be used many times during the computation of a program but is written only once in the whole program. 2. Once the execution of a command has been initialed, the indication of the neon bulb can be seen on the control panel. 3. Once set, the condition code remains unchanged until modified by an instruction that reflects a different condition code.


III. Pronounce the following words correctly:

temporaries n pi рабочие ячейки памяти particularly adv особенно proceed v продолжать (делать что-л.)
conserve v сохранять; консервировать occasionally adv случайно;
point n точка нерегулярно; вдруг
share v распределять; делить(ся) jump п переход; v переходить
visualize v мысленно представлять себе locate v размещать; помещать; располагать
interrelationship n взаимосвязь; взаимозависимость detour n уход; обход; удаление entrance n вход (в подпрограмму)
various а различный, разный; разнообразный exit n выход; выходной канал condition nусловие; состо­яние; режим;
essentially adv по существу ситуация
decision n решение value nвеличина; значение; оценка
associate vсоединять; связы­вать; объединять consider v считать; полагать; рассматривать
alternative nальтернатива; вариант; выбор варианта depend v(on, upon) зависеть от find v находить
eeliminate vустранять; исключать, заменять quite adv совсем; полностью, очень indicate vуказывать; показывать
description nописание; характеристика profitable а выгодный
statement nутверждение; оператор (в алгоритмических языках)  


IV. Memorize the following word combinations:

intermediate stages – промежуточные этапы

various alternatives - различные альтернативы

memory space - объем памяти, пространство памяти

point of view-точка зрения

permanent numbers - постоянные числа

temporary numbers - временные числа

specific instructions - специальные (конкретные) команды

crossing lines - линии пересечения

at a later time - в более позднее время, позже

jump (branch) instructions - команды перехода

a function calculation - вычисление функций

for instance = for example - например


Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 1631;

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