Текст на аудирование. Задание 1.Запомните значения следующих слов и словосочетаний.

Задание 1.Запомните значения следующих слов и словосочетаний.

1. vital(ly) жизненный

2. device устройство, механизм

3. accurate точный

4. screen экран

5. to stress подчеркивать

6. to possess владеть, обладать

7. to enable давать возможность, позволять

8.proper нужный, необходимый

Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание:


Great progress of medical science and technology made it possible to control over the vitally important functions of the human organism using advanced diagnostic apparatuses and instruments.

Computer ultrasound devices make an accurate diagnosis of a great variety of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, stomach, etc.

Everything happening in the patient’s organs is immediately registered and shown on screens and indicators. By studying the results of these investigations the physician can make a correct diagnosis and plan the necessary treatment. For example, doctors know much about cardiovascular diseases thanks to radiographic examination of the heart and other methods of ultrasound diagnostics.

It must be stressed that each hospital now possesses new ultrasonic apparatuses, which enable physicians to make diagnosis and administer proper treatment.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1) What diagnostic apparatuses help doctors to control over the functions of the human organism?

2) Do you know the examples of using ultrasonic devices for diagnostics?

3)Are there any ultrasonic apparatuses in hospitals and clinics in your town?

Задание 4. Воспроизведите текст на английском языке.

Дата добавления: 2014-12-21; просмотров: 1285;

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