Задание 1. Запомните произношение следующих слов. Повторяйте их за диктором:

  1. atmosphere
  2. comfortable
  3. information
  4. computerized
  5. technician
  6. professionally
  7. diagnosis
  8. method
  9. modern-equipped
  10. autoclave


Задание 2. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Повторяйте их за диктором.

1. dental стоматологический, зубной

2. toothache зубная боль

3. welcoming радушный, приятный

4. reception (area, room) регистратура

5.receptionist регистратор, администратор

6. polite вежливый

7. head doctor главный врач

8. nurse медсестра

9. dental technician зубной техник

10. to wear носить (одежду)

11. uniform спецодежда

12. attractive styles and colors привлекательного фасона и


13. to make an appointment with the doctor записываться на прием к врачу

14. dental team, dental staff команда (штат) стоматологов

15. to make a correct diagnosis поставить правильный диагноз

16. preventive treatment профилактическое лечение

17. restoration восстановление

18. to put a filling пломбировать зуб

19. inlay вкладка, реставрационная


20. to treat лечить

21. to extract удалять

22. to correct malocclusion исправлять неправильный


23. to make a crown (a prosthesis) изготовить коронку, протез

24. to remove dental plaque удалять зубной налет

25. calculus зубной камень

26. bleaching of teeth отбеливание зубов

27. oral hygiene гигиена ротовой полости

28. dental material(s) материалы для лечения и

восстановления зубов

29. dental chair зубоврачебное кресло

30. technical laboratory зуботехническая лаборатория

31. X-ray room рентген кабинет

32. to sterilize in autoclave стерилизовать в автоклаве

33. to assist ассистировать

34. “Good health is above wealth.” «Здоровье дороже денег»

35. twice дважды

Задание 3.. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание.


When I have toothache or dental problems, I go to the dental clinic «Denta-Luxe». It is a modern dental clinic. The atmosphere in it is really warm and welcoming. The walls in the office are light, there are some nice pictures on them. There are some comfortable armchairs and sofa where patients can read magazines and watch TV.

In the reception room you can see a receptionist, who speaks to you in a polite manner and gives you necessary information. Her working place is fully computerized.

Dental staff consists of a head-doctor, dentists, dental nurses, dental technicians and receptionists. All of them wear uniforms of attractive styles and colors.

The working day starts at 8 o'clock in the morning. Patients can make an appointment with the doctor in the reception, or over the telephone.

Every member of dental team does his job very good and professionally. The work of the dentists consists of making correct diagnosis, preventive treatment of dental and oral diseases and treatment leading to full restoration of oral health.

Doctors of this clinic give patients all kinds of treatment: they put fillings or inlays, treat gum diseases; extract bad teeth; correct malocclusion and make crowns and prosthesis. They also remove dental plaque and calculus, carry out bleaching of teeth and give instructions on oral hygiene. In their work they use modern methods of treatment and modern dental materials.

This dental clinic is also modern-equipped. There are five dental chairs in it, technical laboratory and X-ray room.

Dental instruments are prepared and sterilized in an autoclave by dental nurse. She also prepares the working place of every dentist and if it is necessary, assists him.

I remember that «Good health is above wealth» and I do my best to visit this dental clinic twice a year.

Дата добавления: 2014-12-21; просмотров: 1199;

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