Quot;Princes" - simply aspire to dominate.

G.Blondel's typology is more profound activity considering style: leadership authoritative and democratic. Within the limits of this differentiation today all political fights also are conducted.

Leadership democratic is characterised valid in relation to supporters by style of a management. Democratic leadership is a trust and responsibility.

Authoritative style of leadership is a style of a command, rigid methods, high insistence, monopoly of the leader for all decisions.

K. Pleshakov has offered typology from the point of view national - epic archetypes. He considers that Stalin is George Pobedonosets, Khruschev - Ivan tsarevitch, Brezhnev - Emelja.

In relation to the power it is possible to allocate the leader oppositional and dominating. The oppositional type is subdivided into two subtypes: confrontationally - the oppositional, irreconcilable opponent of the given power, aspiring to dethrone it by all means, and it is constructive - oppositional, criticising the given power, but not aimed at its immediate overthrow.

M.Burns divides leaders on two categories: converters and businessmen. The first operate according to the concept of the social development, the second focus attention to details without formation of a deep sight at what should be a society finally.

The leader - the populist. Offers simple decisions of the challenges, using thus demagogical and irresponsible slogans. Meeting the core a populism nursery. Civil war, terror, dictatorship can be result of populism.

Characteristic features of the leader - the populist

Speculates on lacks and society problems

Underlines the non-participation in their occurrence

Ruthlessly castigates the contenders

Speaks what to do, but does not speak as

Distributes obviously impracticable promises

Thus, the typology of political leadership is various enough. But even the most careful analysis cannot capture all complexity and many-sided nature of life. At real political practice there are more often, combined types of leaders.


On a way of the statement of leadership in groups and the organisations The formal The informal
On a way of legitimation the authorities of the leader in a society The traditional The rational-legal The charismatic
On style of a management and management The authoritative The liberal The democratic
On image and role appointment of the leader The leader-standard-bearer The leader-attendant The leader-dealer The leader-fireman
On style of psychological behaviour of the leader The paranoid The demonstrative Compulsive The depressive Schizoid

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 362;

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