Authorities directly reporting to Government of R K

Agency on Statistics; Agency on Regulation of Natural Monopolies; Agency on Information and Telecommunications; Agency on Land Resources Management

Note: Read and memorize the following:

1.It is really useful to know how prefixes and suffixes form new words. Prefixes (un-, il-, ir-, dis-, mis-, im- )are often used togive verbs, nouns and adjectives a negative meaning. A prefix does not normally change word stress. But the stress may change if you want to emphasize the negative or opposite. Was he happy about the change? No, he was unhappy.

Prefixes un-, dis-have two meanings: they can have a negative meaning, but they can also mean ‘the opposite of an action’ or ‘to reverse an action’. This meaning is used with certain verbs

(lock – unlock; appear – disappear).

See the meaning of the other prefixes:

My homework was terrible, so I had to redo it.

(re-= again)

I think my boss is overdoing it at the moment. He is working too much. (over-=too much)

Two of the students misread the first question.

(mis-= badly or incorrectly)

2.Although it is mainly adjectives which are made negative by prefixes, un-and dis-can also form the opposites of verbs, reverse the action of the verb

appear – disappear agree – disagree

bend – unbend wrap - unwrap

3.A suffix is a word part that is added to the end of another word or word part. Learning common suffixes can increase your ability to recognize the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Noun forming suffixes -ant, -eer, -er, -ist, -ian, -ormean “one who does something”: accountant, electioneer, stenographer, physician, typist, inventor.

4.A rootis a wordto which a suffix or prefix may be added. If you know the meaning of Greek or Latin roots, you will be able to determine the basic meaning of many new words.

prefix meaning examples
anti- against anti-war, antisocial, antibiotic
auto- of or by oneself auto-pilot, autobiography
bene- good benefit, benefactor
bi- two, twice biannual, bilingual
cent- hundred centenarian, centigrade
com-con- col- with compile, colander
de- from, away deactivate, deaquation
dis- wrong, bad disability, disaggregate
equi- equal equiangular,
ex- former ex-wife, ex-president
ex- out of extract, excommunicate
hex- six hexabasic, hexactinal
il- not ill-considered, illiterate
im- not immature, immobile
inter- between, among inter-carrier, intercellular
intra- within intra-nuclear, intra-operative
intro- into intromission, introspective
ir- not irrational, irregular
mal- bad malignant, malice
micro- small micro-chip, microwave
mid- middle midfield, midnight
mis- badly / wrongly misinform, mistranslate
mono- one / single monotonous, monologue
multi- many multi-national, multi-racial
non- not non-biased, non-adjustable
oct- eight octagon, octal
over- too much overdo, overtired, oversleep
pent- five pentacarpous, pentagonal
post- after postgraduate, postwar
pre- before pre-credit, pre-disaster
pro- in favour of pro-government, pro-nuclear
pseudo- false pseudo-scientific, pseudo-intellectual
quart- four quarter, quartic
re- again or back retype, reread, replace
self- by oneself self-beautification, selfhood
semi- half semicircular, semi-final
sub- under subway, submarine, subdivision
super- above supersonic, superstar
trans- across / beyond trans-effect, trans-elimination
tri- three triangle, triatrial
under- not enough underused, undercooked
uni- one uniaxial, unicoloured

37. Circle the prefix, underline the base word:

subsurface transmigrate insincere

misrepresent repossess presuppose

malpractice disassociate pro-labor

conform malignant microwave

self-control misuse disuse

unlike dislike presumption

repository transparency mal-position

malicious confluent consolidate

embarrassment alteration justice

clinician novelty stillness

flexible destructive feverish

38. Use the prefix to form the negative word:

adjectives verbs
patient - _____ polite - _____ correct - _____ regular - _____ legible - _____ friendly - _____ employed - _____ honest - _____ visible - _____ legal - _____ literate - _____ reasonable - _____ pack - _____ lock - _____ use - _____ like - _____ agree - _____ appear - _____ wrap - _____ close - _____ regard - _____ understand - _____ respect - _____ do - _____

39. Define each of the following words:

access, credibility, prediction, deduction, autohypnosis, visor, monogram, remission, facility, biochemical, scribble, audible, stationary, metrical, portable, sociology, annual, hypermarket, extrabold, motorcycle, auditorium, beneficial, bicentennial.

Useful Greek and Latin roots
acro high geo earth
act act or do grad move forward
alt high graph write
ann/enn year gram write
anthrop human grav heavy
aqua water hyper more than normal
aster/astr star jour day
audi, audio hearing labor work
auto self, alone lib book
bene good loc place
bibl book log word, reason
bi, bio life logy study of
cap head lum light
capt take, hold, seize lun moon
carn flesh mar sea
cede/cess yield, give away meter measure
circum around mit/miss send
civ city mob move
crac/crat govern mon warn
cred believe mot move
cycl, cyclo circle mut change
dem people nat born
derm skin nau ship
dia day nom name
dic/dict speak, say oper work
dom rule pac peace
duc/duct lead ped foot
don give pend hang
dorm sleep phobia fear
dur hard phon sound
dynam power pon/pos/posit place, put
extra outside pop people
fac/fec do, make port carry
fer bring or carry posit sit or stay
fin end rot turn
flam fire scrib/script write
frac break spec look, see
fug flee stat stand/put in place
metr measure tang touch or feel
nom/nym name/word/law vers/vert turn
phil love vid/vis call
soph wise/ wisdom voc/vok wish
path(y) feeling vol see
pend to hang quart, quadr four

40. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the words in black type:

1. This year’s annual family reunion will be held in a campground. 2. Our town is having a big bicentennial parade exactly two hundred years after the day the town was founded. 3. The bride’s softly spoken wedding vows were not audibleto those at the back of the church. 4. The acoustics in the new auditorium is so good that the music can be heard clearly even in the balconies. 5. When Bob asked his parents if he could buy a new “two-wheeler”, they didn’t realize he meant a motorcycle. 6. A cyclone travels in a circular motion. 7. When children reach adulthood, parents usually don’t stop to help them. 8. A hundred years ago womanhood began rather early for our great-grandmothers. 9. The hypermarket is a combination of a department store and a supermarket, which is relatively new for us. 10. She is absolutely hypersensitive. Soap operas make her cry bitterly. 11. These paints are nontoxic so that children won’t be poisoned if they swallow some. 12. The story about aliens did not remind nonfiction at all. 13. The children’s swing is unsafe. It is suspended from a weak tree branch. 14. The swinging pendulum of the clock makes me sleepy. 15. I was so stupid when I believed the ad, saying I could quadruple my money in a month if I invested it into that project.

41. Complete each italicized word with the correct word part from the box:

ann / -ly / audi(o)- / cycl(o) / -hood / hyper- / non- / path(y) / pend / quart, quadr

1. James loves playing the violin, especially when he has a(n) (…ence) ___ listening to him. 2. It’s hard for me to be (sym…etic)___ when my sister complains, because she causes so many of her problems herself. 3. Jim was a well-adjusted adult due to the proper therapy, but we knew that his (child…) ___ years were troubled and unhappy. 4. When I lost one of my earrings, I had the other one made into a(n) (…ant) ___ to hang around my neck. 5. The children’s odd (…et) ___ consisted of a toy-drum player, a building block clapper, a piano player, and a bell ringer. 6. We were told to bring only necessary equipment on our camping trip, so I was surprised to see how much (…essential) ___ gear others brought. 7. Mrs. Baker said she and her husband had been (happi…) ___ married for nearly forty years. 8. One of the most difficult vehicles to ride is also one of the simplest: a(n) (uni…e) ___, a vehicle with only one wheel. 9. Our boss said we would be evaluated (…ually) ___ for possible promotions. 10. My grandmother has (…tension) ___, which is abnormally high blood pressure. 11. Some males act as if their (man…) ___ (de…ed) ___ on how many women they go out with, rather than on maturity and strength of character. 12. The (…ist) ___ stood there (helpless…) ___ staring at the tire he had chained to the tree. The rest of the bike had been stolen. 13. David, a (…drinker) ___, is (…critical) ___ of anyone who touches alcohol. He is adamant in his belief that taking even a single drink is the sign of a self-destructive personality. 14. The patients looked (…etic); clearly they were suffering. 15. For my research report, I used two magazines – one (…erly) ___, published four times a year; and an (…ual) ___ that appears only every January.

42. Add a noun suffix to each of the words below:

patriot legal occupy note

special type lazy pain

coward author sad scholar

43. Complete the word-building table:

abstract noun person adjective
politics democracy dictatorship socialism conservatism liberalism revolution representation election presidency nationalism invention    

44. Add an adjective suffix to each of the words below:

beauty defect valor peril

mystery origin structure glory

architecture home destruction danger



Parts of speech Suffixes Examples
verb > noun -ment; -ion; -ation; -ing; -er; -ee; -al; improvement, discussion, information, jogging, sender, bottle-opener,employee, refusal, arrival
adjective > noun -ness; -ity; weakness, stupidity
noun > adjective -ous; -al; -ic; -ful;-less; -y; -ish; -ical dangerous, political, cloudy,helpful, useless, selfish,Arabic, philosophical
verb > adjective -ive; -able / ible attractive, creative, enjoyable, washable, inflexible, comprehensible
noun > person / abstract noun -ism; ist; -ian; hood; -ty; -ance; -ence; -dom; -ice; -ment; ness; -ship; -tude; -ity; -ation; journalist, journalism, physician, selfhood, reluctance, dependence, determination, freedom, childhood, cowardice, improvement, shyness, solitude, loyalty, equality
noun > verb -ify; -ize; beautify, terrify, harmonize;

45. Study the meanings of the following words:

1. epoch - эпоха; век; время, пора, эра. Syn: period, epoch;

2. dawn- 1. 1) рассвет, утренняя заря. Syn: daybreak, day spring; Ant: dusk; 2) начало, исток; начальная стадия.

Syn: beginning;

2. 1) (рас)светать, заниматься (о рассвете); 2) начинаться, проявляться, зарождаться; 3) осенять, приходить в голову, приходить на ум; доходить до сознания;

3. sovereignty - 1) независимость, суверенитет, суверен-ность; 2) суверенное государство; 3) верховная власть, владычество; Syn: autonomy;

4. provision - 1. 1) обеспечение, предоставление, снабжение. Syn: supply, purchasing; 2) приготовление, заготовка, заготовление; резерв; запас; 3) (provisions) провизия; 4) положение, условие, постановление; 5) мера предосторожности; 6) ассигнования;

2. 1) обеспечивать; 2) снабжать продовольствием;

5. paramount - 1) верховный; высший. Syn: supreme, high, superior; 2) главный, первостепенный, основной.

Syn: outstanding, supreme, pre-eminent;

6. suppress- 1) пресекать, сдерживать. Syn: stop, cut short; 2) подавлять (сопротивление). Syn: quell; 3) запрещать (газету), конфисковать, изымать из продажи; 4) скрывать, замалчивать (информацию).

46. Make word combinations by filling in the gaps with one of these: paramount, suppress, provision.

_____ arm / chief / importance / need
money / services / treaty _____
_____ rebellions / a feeling / desire

47. Express the same idea in one word: paramount, epoch, sovereignty, provision, dawn, suppress.

a particular period of time in history or a person's life  
the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise  
become evident to the mind; be perceived or understood  
supreme power or authority  
the authority of a state to govern itself or another state  
financial or other arrangements for future eventualities or requirements  
more important than anything else; having supreme power  
forcibly put an end to / prevent the development  

48. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I was up at the first streak of dawn / at the crack of dawn / at the break of dawn. 2. That day marked a new dawn in the country's history. 3. The awful truth was beginning to dawn on him. 4. The truth finally dawned on / upon us. 5. He set off at dawn. 6. Thursday dawned bright and sunny. 7. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. 8. Britain's concern to protect national sovereignty is far from new. 9. Farmers have been slow to make provision for their retirement. 10. His influence became paramount. 11. The interests of the child are of paramount importance. 12. The child's welfare must be seen as paramount. 13. Something that is paramount or of paramount importance is more important than anything else. 14. The rising was savagely suppressed. 15. Nitrogen is of paramount importance to life on earth. 16. He suppressed his real tastes till he became the husband of Miss Curtis. 17. The government tried to suppress the book, and many copies were seized and burnt. 18. She could not suppress a rising panic. 19. The report had been suppressed. 20. Use of the drug suppressed the immune response.

49. Match a line in A with a line in B:

from dawn to dusk условия договора
at the dawn of civilization обеспечивать себя
at dawn от рассвета до заката
revolutionary epoch разочарование, несбывшееся ожидание
glacial epoch с незапамятных времен, испокон веков
to mark / usher in an epoch ледниковый период
since the dawn of time революционная эпоха
false dawn открыть новую эру
the sovereignty of Parliament верховная власть парламента
national sovereignty национальная независимость
provision of public transport на заре цивилизации
make provision for smb. на рассвете
to provision oneself предоставление общественного транспорта
treaty provisions обеспечивать / заботиться о ком-либо

50. Translate into English:

1. Я встал, едва забрезжил рассвет. 2. Никогда нельзя терять надёжду на лучшее. 3. Самый тёмный час ближе всего к рассвету. 4. Он не показывал своих настоящих пристрастий, пока не стал мужем мисс Куртис. 5. Наконец нам открылась вся неприглядная правда. 6. Этот день ознаменовал новую эру в истории страны. 7. Его влияние сделалось преобладающим. 8. Правительство постаралось конфисковать книгу, многие экземпляры были сожжены.

51. Complete the sentences using the phrasewith provision that... - при условии, что…:

1. You can earn a lot …. 2. That day will mark a new dawn in the country's history… 3. The truth can be revealed… 4. His influence may become paramount… 5. He is ready to suppress his real tastes…

52. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

1. to stock up ___ provisions; 2. to make provision ___ smth;

3. ___ paramount importance ; 4. the paramount need ___;

5. a peaceful solution ___ the crisis;6.tomark a new dawn ___ the country's history;7.since the dawn ___ time; 8. to set ___ at dawn; 9. to become evident ___ the mind; 10 financial arrangements ___ future eventualities or requirements.

53. Read and translate the text:

Investing in Women

For many years women of the Orient primarily played the role of a homemaker. Only within a family could a woman see herself fulfilled. However, times have changed and women now have different interests, goals and tasks. In present Kazakh society a woman manifests herself harmoniously in every area. She is a wife, a mother, a friend and a sister, but at the same time she is a successful person both as a social personality and as a professional.

Now the State is taking unprecedented measures to ensure that women get access to the decision-making level. Recently the country has adopted a specific action plan so that the share of women in management positions reaches 30%, up from its current 10%. As a testament of this firm resolve, there are women’s political clubs actively functioning in the region and republican schools of political leadership.

Women’s development in economics is a priority direction in social modernization of the country. After all they make up 4.2 million out of 8.5 million of an economically active population. At the same time women’s contribution to GDP is permanently increasing. There is also a separate program for micro-financing of the rural population including women in rural areas.

Competitive development on the job market and in entrepreneurship is the key aspect in changing women’s status in the society. Efficiency in these programs is achieved through the President’s active support of the female movement in the country, the activity of the National Committee for Women’s Affairs and Family and well-balanced demographic policy of the state.

54. Give Russian equivalents for the following:

the role of a homemaker within a family

manifest harmoniously get access

unprecedented measures a priority direction

decision-making level a social personality

a specific action plan serve as a testament

social modernization achieve efficiency

economically active population key aspect

competitive development female movement

55. Speak on:

a) State support of the female movement in Kazakhstan;

b) Political and economic activity of women in our state.


1. Read the words and their definitions. Translate the given examples:

1. to align– to put oneself on the side of or against a part or cause.

Some countries consider themselves to be nonaligned.

2. ballot – a sheet of paper used to make a secret vote.

It will take several hours to count the ballots and decide who has won.

3. bully – one who treats others abusively.

The bigger boy was a bully and liked to fight smaller boys.

4. crusade– an enterprise undertaken with much enthusiasm, usually for some cause.

The government has started a crusade against smoking.

5. to enfranchise– to allow the right to vote.

Black people in the United States were enfranchised after the Civil War.

6. exile– forced removal from one’s country.

The rebels’ leader was in exile in a neighboring country for ten years.

7. ideology– a systematic body of concepts, esp. about human life or culture.

Their ideology opposes the private ownership of land.

8. to incite – to move to action.

He was jailed on the charge of incitement to revolt.

9. jurisdiction– the power/right /authority to apply the law.

Murder is not within the jurisdiction of U.S. national courts because the laws against murder are state laws and the state courts have jurisdiction.

10. to nominate– to propose as a candidate for election to office, to propose for a position of honour.

The party nominated one candidate to run in the election.

11. to overthrow– to bring down, to defeat.

They overthrew the government when government troops were used to collect more taxes.

12. to persecute–to cause to suffer because of one’s beliefs.

The members of the opposition are being persecuted for their political beliefs.

13. to revoke– to take or call back.

His license was revoked because he was found guilty of a hit-and-run accident in which a child was killed.

14. treason– the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s own country.

He was convicted of treason after his group tried to overthrow the government.

15. tyrant– an absolute ruler unrestrained by law, a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively.

The people hate the king because he is such a tyrant.

2. Translate the sentences into Russian:

I.1. The more powerful countries are often accused of bullying the smaller countries into voicing agreement with their policies.2. The alignment of those countries with our enemies has made our situation worse.3. He has crusaded in favour of stricter speed limits ever since his daughter was killed by a speeding driver. 4. The crusading women marched in the streets. 5. She is a crusader against alcohol. 6. Although they think that his idea is a practical one, they are ideologically opposed to it. 7. Many of the recently enfranchised people are not yet registered to vote. 8. The government exiled most of its critics. 9. The exiled rebels are planning various acts of sabotage. 10. Her speech incited the workers to go out on strike. 11. Many people in that society have ideological problems with the idea of children being raised in state centres rather than by their parents. 12. She is campaigning now to win the nomination of her party.

II.1. The nominated candidates are going to debate each other on television next week. 2. The overthrown government leaders are now living in exile. 3. The rebels are planning the overthrow of the king. 4. The nominating committee has chosen a new president to replace the one who resigned. 5. The persecuted opposition members are trying to leave the country. 6. The persecution of religious minorities has been common in the history of the world. 7. The new law will be revocable in two years if it doesn’t work out. 8. At present her resignation is irrevocable, another person has already been hired to replace her. 9. He is irrevocably committed to that ideology; nothing will change his mind. 10. Her sale of weapons to our enemies was a treasonous act. 11. She is never permitted out of the house alone. 12. The tyrannical rule of that family over the country ended when the most important members were assassinated.

3. State whether the sentences are true or false:

1. People who are exiled are often imprisoned in the capital city of their country. 2. The post of Prime-minister is a high-level position. 3. People like being bullied. 4. Being nominated is often the first step to getting elected. 5. The U.S. is always aligned with Russia. 6. Something that is irrevocable can be changed. 7. People want to be enfranchised. 8. Ballots are used during election. 9. People overthrow governments that they like. 10. Treason is a serious crime.

4. Answer each question with an active word:

1. Who hurts weaker people? 2. What are you in if you cannot live in your own country? 3. What do people want to do to tyrants? 4. Who can be the head of a government of a country? 5. What may be the first step in getting elected? 6. What is something people believe in? 7. Who believes in something strongly and acts for it? 8. What may a government do to people it doesn’t like? 9. What are people who can vote? 10. What might a person who hates his country commit?

5. Circle the word that is least related in meaning:

1. hurt align persecute

2. exile nominate choose

3. bully ballot vote

4. start incite enfranchise

5. overthrow take back revoke

6. bully tyrant crusader

7. incite locate align

8. jurisdiction principles ideology

Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 1434;

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