New Challenges Call for New Solutions

On January 1, 2010 Kazakhstan became the first post-Soviet, predominantly Muslim country to lead one of the most prestigious and largest security organizations in the world, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Such a decision was an objective recognition and appreciation of the success in social, economic and political development of the young state in the short period of its independence.

Our country, not one of the better fragments of the Soviet Union, has turned into an economically strong and democratically developed country, a reliable and respected partner of the international community. Moreover, Kazakhstan, due to the strategic vision and a balanced foreign policy of peace of its first President Nursultan Nazarbayev, has made a significant contribution to ensuring regional and global security. Our President’s activity is focused on constructing new strategies which have significant impact on our life.


This policy is focused on the preservation of peace and harmony in a country with representatives of 130 ethnic groups and 46 religions and consistent integration efforts in Central Asia. The voluntary renunciation of the world’s fourth largest nuclear and missile arsenal, the closure of the largest nuclear test site in Semipalatinsk and the creation of a nuclear-weapons free zone in Central Asia are truly historic steps that have not only helped Kazakhstan avoid being stranded in the periphery of international affairs, but also demonstrate its leadership.

The entry in January 1992 into the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the principles and objectives of which coincided with our aspirations, was a natural and logical step for our young state. By joining the OSCE, Kazakhstan has assumed the respective obligations and responsibilities, signing all the fundamental documents of OSCE, first of all, the Helsinki Final Act of 1975 and the Paris Charter for a New Europe. Moreover, since the first days of our participation in the OSCE, Kazakhstan has actively advocated and continues to advocate the strengthening of comprehensive and indivisible security in the organization’s zone of responsibility. Our country believes there is a need to ensure genuine and lasting security in the region of a greater Central Asia, which is especially relevant against the backdrop of recent events in Kyrgyzstan and the continuing tension in Afghanistan.

It is known that the main aim of the OSCE is to prevent conflicts and consolidate peace through the identification and neutralization of the main causes of tension, promoting socio-economic progress, the development of democratic institutions and respect for human rights. It focuses on the development of the atmosphere of confidence in the interests of all as well as expanding and strengthening the consensus on the fundamental issues of development of the organization.


5. Make word partnerships by matching lines from both columns:

economically strong / democratically developed security
indivisible / genuine / comprehensive / lasting development
social / economic / political country

6. Give English equivalents for the following:

преимущественно мусульманская страна; демократически развитое государство; последовательные интеграционные усилия; общественно-политическое развитие; укрепление комплексной безопасности; зона, свободная от ядерного оружия; продолжающаяся напряженность; подлинная, долгосрочная безопасность; акцентировать внимание на развитии; основополагающие документы; выявление причин напряженности.

7. Find sentences in the text with the following:

высокая оценка успехов; международное сотрудничество; обеспечение безопасности; вносить весомый вклад; сохранить мир и согласие; ядерный полигон; совпадать с устремлениями; взять на себя обязательства; на фоне событий; атмосфера доверия.

8. Answer the questions:

1. What are the signs of an objective recognition and appreciation of the success in social, economic and political development of Kazakhstan?

2. In what way is our country making a significant contribution to ensuring regional and global security?

3. What is the policy of Kazakhstan focused on?

9. Match equivalents from both columns:

ракетно-ядерный арсенал объективное признание предотвратить войну добровольный отказ содействовать прогрессу уважение прав человека взвешенная политика стратегическое видение objective recognition nuclear and missile arsenal respect for human rights to promote progress balanced policy voluntary renunciation strategic vision to prevent war

10. Make up questions upon the text. Make use of the following:

against the backdrop of recent events; a zone of responsibility;

comprehensive and indivisible security; consistent integration efforts; objective recognition; nuclear and missile arsenal; to promote progress; respect for human rights; voluntary renunciation; strategic vision.

11. Match an adjective from A with a noun from B to make a word partnership:

prestigious better reliable international significant regional ethnic consistent logical respective comprehensive security contribution step obligations community integration fragment partner organization security group

12. Study the words. Do the exercises:

1. security - 1) обеспеченность, благополучие, безопас-ность; 2) обеспечение / меры безопасности, защита, охрана; Syn: safety; 3) залог, задаток; Syn: assurance, guarantee; 4) (securities) ценные бумаги; 5) обеспечение, гарантия;

2. contribution - 1) пожертвование, взнос; 2) налог, контрибуция; Syn: impost; 3) вклад, ценные достижения;

4) статья для публикации; 5) участие в погашении долга;

to lay under contribution — облагать налогом

3. ensure - 1) гарантировать, обеспечивать; Syn: assure, guarantee; 2) застраховаться, обезопасить себя; Syn: secure; 3) удостовериться, убедиться в чём-либо. Syn: make sure, make certain, verify.

Note: see the difference between ensure and insure bothin pronunciation and meaning:

insure - 1) страховать, застраховывать;

to insure one's home against loss from fire

to insure one's life for fifty thousand dollars

4. consistent - 1) последовательный, стойкий; Syn: firm, steadfast; 2) совместимый, согласующийся; 3) плотный, твёрдый; Syn: compatible, hard, solid;

5. voluntary - 1) добровольческий, добровольный; Syn: freewill, volunteer; 2) бесплатный, неоплачиваемый, добровольный, благотворительный; 3) намеренный, преднамеренный, сознательный; Syn: deliberate, intentional; 4) произвольный;

voluntary - 1) добровольные действия / работа;

2) доброволец; Syn:volunteer; 3)сторонник принципа добровольности; 4) экспромт; 5) добровольное пожертвование; 6) произвольная программа (спорт);

7) факультативный экзамен;

6. coincide - 1) совпадать, совмещаться (о точках, линиях); 2) происходить в то же самое время, совпадать;

3) соответствовать, быть одинаковым;Syn: agree, correspond; Ant: contradict, disagree; 4) соглашаться, сходиться во мнениях; Syn: concur, accord;

7. aspiration - 1) стремление, сильное желание к достижению чего-либо; 2) придыхание; 3) аспирация, отсасывание (жидкости из полости);

8. relevant– существенный, релевантный, значимый, важный; Syn: pertinent; Ant: irrelevant;

9. tension - 1) а) напряжение, напряжённое состояние, напряжённость. Syn: stress; б) натянутость, неловкость ситуации; 2) натягивание, натяжение, удлинение;

Syn: stretching; 3) напряжение; 4) внутренний конфликт, противоречие, напряжённость; 5) давление;

10. comprehensive - всесторонний, полный, всеобъемлю-щий; Syn: complete, exhaustive, inclusive, all-round, thorough; Ant: partial;

13. Translate the sentences:

I.1. Security were called, and the bullies were physically ejected from the studio. 2. Campus Security was informed that a vehicle had been broken into while parked on Union Street. 3. She likes the security of knowing that she has Mommy close by. 4. I have no security against their killing me. 5. The smallest contribution will be thankfully received. 6. She made an outstanding contribution to science. 7. Many of my correspondents, who believe their contributions unjustly neglected, are completely wrong. 8. The agency is mainly financed from voluntary contributions. 9. We will ensure equal opportunities for all. 10. Government made some move to ensure against Euro cheats. 11. The book ensured his success. 12. Please ensure (that) all lights are switched off.

II.1. This point should coincide with the centre of gravity of the wheel. 2. The opening ceremony coincided with the worst storm of this century. 3. His interest happily coincided with his duty. 4. Aspiration is a pure upward desire for excellence. 5. The evidence is relevant to the case. 6. We have passed all relevant information on to the police. 7. Make sure you enclose all the relevant certificates. 8. The mind cannot be always in a state of intellectual tension. 9. Ensure that a printer is installed. 10. The parents are being consistent and firm in their reactions.

14. Match a line in A with a line in B:

financial security меры по обеспечению безопасности
job security коллективная безопасность
collective security повышенные меры безопасности
food security продовольственная безопасность
internal security внутренняя безопасность
national security материальное благополучие
security measures обеспеченность работой
tight security национальная безопасность
a maximum security prison спецслужбы
security services / forces тюрьма строгого режима

15. Give Russian equivalents:

security deposit; to issue securities; corporate securities; gilt-edged securities; government securities; data security; security evaluation; to ensure / provide security; to compromise security; to undermine security; make a contribution; send in a contribution; charitable contribution; generous contribution; monetary contribution; token contribution; voluntary contribution; voluntary renunciation; renunciation of war; lofty / noble aspirations; acute tension; to slacken / ease / alleviate / relax / reduce tension; to ease tension between the superpowers; to cause / create tension; to heighten / increase tension; comprehensive analysis / defeat; comprehensive guide; comprehensive insurance; comprehensive knowledge / school; comprehensive range of goods and services.

16. Read the text:

Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 1548;

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