Choosing Colour to Make the Right Impression

The person’s image influences others subconsciously, helping its owner to make the right impression on other people. Colour is the main factor of emotional impact. Lines, shape, silhouette and texture are less important, although do contribute.

We all know how important it is to make the right first impression. It will help you in the future to get on with people and get what you want from them. Colours in your clothes will help you create a positive image of you in the eyes of people you work with, friends or just about anybody.

Red colour. On one hand it is associated with energy, activeness, optimism and strength. On the other hand, this colour may be associated with aggressiveness, persuasiveness and danger. Therefore, the influence of this colour is ambiguous. On one hand it attracts the looks, hypnotizes and excites, on the other – scares away and stops. Our advice is to wear red colour clothes only when you need to look brave, energetic, sexy or extraordinary. Never wear red, if you need to look modest, delicate, neutral or serious.

Orange and yellow colours are usually associated with sun, light, warmth, tropical fruits and hot sand. Wear these colours when you need to look optimistic, relaxed, young, merry or sporty.

Green colour is dominating in the nature and is acceptable and pleasant almost anywhere. It arises the feeling of harmony, freshness and vitality. There are no counterindications for using this colour. It will leave you unnoticed and completely non-aggressive.

Blue colour is the colour of evening sky and space. It is associated with remoteness, emotional coldness, intellect and spirituality. Use blue colour when you need to look reserved, serious or remote.

Purple colour is perceived like mysterious, inconceivable, attractive, magical, fatal and intellectual. Some people consider it to be very erotic. It attracts and frightens at the same time. It dazzles and keeps a distance. Use the purple clothes if you need to arouse the curiosity of someone or to leave an impression of mystery.

Dark colours: brown, wine-colored, dark blue, dark green, dark purple, dark gray. These colours are associates with calmness and maturity, wisdom and melancholy, apathy and life experience.

Choose dark colours when you need to show yourself as a trustworthy, respectable, serious, cautious, wise and experienced person tired of life vanity.
Pastel colours: tender, light tones of rosy, blight blue, lilac, light-green. These colors symbolize the innocence, infantilism, tenderness, delicacy and indecision. Use these colors if you want to look young, feminine, flexible, passive and simple-minded.

Black colour is the colour of earth, nothingness, end of life. It is inconceivable, impenetrable, pessimistic, denying, negativity and wisdom at the same time. This colour focuses attention, attracts and amazes, but sometimes also scares. It is called the king of elegance. We advise you to wear black if you need to show your individualism, independence, sophistication, mysteriousness, significance and authority.

White colour is the colour of snowy fields, arctic ice, northern lights, and clouds. It symbolizes eternity, permanence, calmness, clarity, virginity, serenity and carelessness. It is to wear white clothes when you need to look clean, innocent, incorrupt, decent and moral.

Grey colour symbolizes ashes, fog, rainy sky. This colour is neutral and doesn’t have any emotional impact.

Baby Clothes Care

Yes it is true that baby clothes don't last long with kids growing as fast as they do, but taking care of babies clothes is still important. One of the major reasons of proper clothing care is to protect an infant's skin from irritating substances. Because the household use of many different chemicals has increased in modern society, the sensitivity of human skin has increased, and babies have the most sensitive skin of all. A parent must be sensitive to any foods or substances that their children have allergies or intolerance to. In other ways, caring for children and infant's clothing is similar to adult clothing, but on a much smaller scale.

Powerful detergents are unnecessary even for adults, so it makes sense to buy one detergent that will work for the whole family. By using a mild detergent, all of the clothes will come out just as clean, but without the abundance of irritating substances that can cause problems for a baby's skin. In some circumstances it is better refrain from the use of any detergents at all. Instead soap for sensitive skin and hot water will get clothes clean, but will take more time. There are some "baby" detergents that are marketed to the young parent market as detergents that are better for babies' skin, but there is no real difference from these and other mild detergents. Baby detergents are only another way of marketing to the kid retail industry. When purchasing a mild detergent, parents should look for a substance with no added fragrances or colours.

Once the clothes are washed, drying them as directed should be fine without the use of a fabric softener. The best way to dry infant clothing is on a clothesline, but they should hang in an enclosed area that is not in contact with pollen or insects. It is important for the clothes to be completely dry before they are put away or worn by a child, and hanging the clothes on children’s’ clothes hangers will help keep their form. Baby clothes hangers and children’s’ hangers are an important part of clothing storage for kids because small garments tend to gather and lose their form more easily.

New clothes should always be washed before worn. Just like new clothes can be stiff and irritating to adults, new clothes are even worse for infants and small children. The same is true for any type of hand-me-downs. Dust mites and other irritating things can gather on any type of clothing that has been in storage.

Extra care should be taken in any circumstance involving an infant, and clothing care is only one of them. By following these few tips, skin irritation and other problems will be one less thing to worry about, and kids' clothes will stay looking good.


Дата добавления: 2016-11-22; просмотров: 669;

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