Task 4. A. Find the English equivalents of the Russian words and study the word combinations.

- притягивать людей со всех концов мира

- распространять свое влияние на …

- близлежащие (окружающие) районы

- очаровывать приезжих

- вдохновлять на любовь (увлеченность)

- средневековые здания

- римляне

- монарх

- Палаты Парламента

- Собор Святого Павла

- населять (заселять)

B. Find the Russian equivalents of the English words and study the word combinations.

- modern glass high-rise offices

- splendour of the royal palaces

- the dignity of…

- to take place

- courtyard

- crowded with traffic

- ‘double-decker’ buses

- the financial powerhouse

- to provide a welcome contrast to…

C. Make your own sentences with the word combinations above. Try to use as many of them as you can.

Task 5. A. Find or think of synonyms of the words below:

- to fascinate

- affection

- beautiful

- In the centre

- to take place

B. Find or think of antonyms of the words below:

- the poor

- modern

- different

- much

C. Match the words with their definitions

1. cosmopolitan   A. the power of persons or things to affect others, seen only in its effects
2. influence   B. to cause to be encircled on all or nearby all sides
3. to surround   C. to have in it: hold, enclose, or include
4. to contain   D. common to or representative of all or many parts of the world
5. inner city   e) the quality of being worthy of esteem or honour; worthiness
6. to spread   f) to come together in a large group
7. splendour   g) the sections of a large city in or near its centre, esp. When crowded or blighted
8. dignity   h) to dwell or live in
9. to crowd   I) to distribute over a surface or areas
10. to inhabit   j) great luster or brightness; brilliance


Task 6. Fill in the prepositions.

A. in (3) B. by (2) C. on (2) D. of (3) e) to (2) f) from g) over (2) h) at I) for j) with (2) k) above


1. London was founded … the first century A. D. … the Romans.

2. London draws people … all … the world.

3. Some come … business, some come to study, to work or … holiday.

4. London spreads its influence … much … the southern areas … England; it gives work … millions … people.

5. Buckingham Palace was built … 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham.

6. The Prime Minister’s residence … No. 10 Downing Street isdirectly connected Whitehall.

7. Piccadilly Circus is now famous … its theatres, clubs and shops.

8. The streets in London are crowded … traffic. High ‘double-decker’ buses rise … the smaller cars and vans.

9. In the city the medieval buildings stand side … side … modern glass high-rise offices.

10. The parks of London form 313 hectares of open parkland … the heart of London.



Task 7. Look at the words and fill in the table.

Words Prefix Base word Suffix
Government - govern ment

Дата добавления: 2016-10-17; просмотров: 1253;

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