Read the text to enlarge your knowledge on the topic.
The United Kingdom remains a major power and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a member state of the European Union, and a founding member of the G7, G8, G20, NATO, OECD, WTO, Council of Europe, and the Commonwealth of Nations. Modern conditions have caused British interests to change.
Peace and security remain clearly as bedrock interests but trade is now a much reduced in extent. The UK and the US are close military allies. Present British policy is that the relationship with the US represents Britain’s “most important bilateral relationship”. The Anglo-American relationship is the foremost example of the relations enjoyed by Britain with the entire English-speaking world. Great Britain shares the Queen of England as the Head of State with Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Canada and Great Britain are tied together militarily through NATO, and Australia and New Zealand are both members of the British Commonwealth, with close cultural, economic and security ties. The relationship with Ireland is generally friendly, but non-military – therefore Ireland cannot be counted upon as an ally. India is Britain’s closest ally. They are joined by mutual economic and cultural interests and defense cooperation agreements.
The UK was once a dominant colonial power in many countries of the continent of Africa. Nowadays the UK as lead member of the Commonwealth of Nations seeks to influence Africa through its foreign policies.
Great Britain is one of the leading countries of Europe, and a member of the European Union (since 1973). Although the UK is not a Euro member, it still plays a great role in the day to day workings of the EU. The UK has clashed with other Member States of the EU, particularly with France and Germany, most recently over the US-led war with Iraq. Militarily, Britain is the strongest country in Europe, rivaled only by Germany.
Topical Vocabulary:
1. dominant colonial power | господствующая колониальная держава |
2. seek to influence | пытаться влиять |
3. Euro member | страна Евросоюза, валюта которой является евро. |
4. day to day workings | ежедневная работа |
5. US-led (war) | проводимая США |
6. rival (v) rival (n) rivalry (n) | соперничать соперник соперничество |
7. clash (v) with clash (n) of opinion | сталкиваться, расходиться во взглядах; конфликт, расхождение во взглядах |
8. mutual relationships | взаимные, обоюдные отношения |
9. OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) | ОБСЕ (Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе) |
10. WTO (World Trade Organization) | ВТО (Всемирная торговая организация) |
11. Council of Europe | Совет Европы |
Exercise 9.
Give the English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:
пытаться влиять на другие страны; господствующая колониальная держава; ежедневная работа; двусторонние отношения; расходиться во взглядах; тесные экономические и культурные связи; считаться союзником.
Exercise 10.
Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:
OECD; WTO; Council of Europe; permanent member; to be a Euro member; to rival with France; US-led war; bedrock interests; security ties; mutual; lead member.
Exercise 11.
Comprehension check:
1. What country is the closest ally of the UK?
2. Is India a member of the Commonwealth of Nations? What relationships are India and the UK joined by?
3. What international organizations does Britain work through with its partners?
4. Is the UK a Euro member? Is the UK a member of the European Union?
5. Why is Britain looking to Asia and Africa to develop new partnership? Do you share the opinion that these economies are fastest growing?
Exercise 12.
Match the synonyms (column A – column B). Make up 5 sentences using the words from column B:
A | B |
1. being stronger than others | a) share |
2. try to effect on smb. | b) bilateral |
3. compete with | c) dominant |
4. have a conflict of interest | d) rival (v) |
5. have (the Head of State) with others | e) clash (v) |
6. relations between 2 nations | f) seek to influence |
Exercise 13.
Fill in the missing words. Choose from the box:
bilateral, workings, lead, mutual, bedrock, Security Council, rivaled, allies, dominant, influence, Commonwealth, clashed, permanent, seeks, Euro. |
1) India and Britain are closest ____.
2) They are joined by ____ economic and cultural interests.
3) Militarily, Britain is the strongest country in Europe, ____ only by France.
4) Peace and security remain clearly as ____ interests.
5) The UK and the US have the most important ____ relationship.
6) The UK ____ with other Member States of the EU over the US-led war with Iraq.
7) The UK was once a _____ power in many countries of the continent of Africa.
8) Nowadays the UK as ____ member of the ____ of Nations ____ to ____ Africa through its foreign policies.
9) Although the UK is not a ____ member, it still plays a leading role in the day to day ____ of the EU.
10) The United Kingdom remains a major power and a ____ member of the United Nations ____.
Exercise 14.
Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 926;