Answer the following questions.
1. What are your ambitions? (To win a competition, to win a prize, to win a championship, to set a record, to score the most points, to be the best, to be a pro, to be a top sportsman/ specialist etc.).
2. Are you ambitious? Why or why not?
3. What activities are you good at? What are your achievements?
4. People’s abilities are very different. Some people are brilliant at one thing. Some others are good at a lot of things. What is better? Why? Do you think it’s possible to be good at a lot of things at the same time? Do you think it’s better to be a top specialist in something?
5. Do you have a career plan? Where would you like to be in 10 year’s time?
6. What should you do to get ahead in you career (change companies often, be energetic and enthusiastic at all time, be the last to leave work every day, find an experienced person to give you help and advice, study for extra qualifications in your free time, use charm and sex appeal with your superiors)?
7. Which of the following areas would you like to work in (Sales and marketing; Finance; Management; Administration and personnel; Production; Research and development /R&D/)?
8. Which of the following would you prefer to do? a) Work for one company during your career; b) work for several different companies; c) work for yourself.
9. Which qualities are the most important for a successful career in business (being on time, having ambitions, working hard, getting on with people or being friendly, being open to new ideas, knowing about computers, having a sense of humour, looking smart, working at weekends, traveling frequently, speaking foreign languages or having linguistic ability, being a natural leader, having organizational and interpersonal skills)?
10. Do you think you waste your free time or spend it in a good way? Could you say you are very careful about time? Prove it. Do you think that free time is just for relaxing? Are you a couch potato (a lazy, do-nothing television watcher)? Are you a Mouse Potato - the online generation’s answers to the «couch potato». Do you like how you spend you free time? Why? Why not?
11. Who do you admire? Who is you hero (an example to follow)? What kind of person can you call a hero? … Start your answer with … I think real heroes are persons who… In you opinion who is the pride of you country? Who is an all-time great person of you country? Do you like living in you country?
12.Describe you as a person. Describe your appearance and character. Do you like you as a person? Are you snobbish, sociable or reserved? Are you hard-working? Are you a well-educated person?
13. Do you think that first impressions of a person are not always right?
14. Are you a real patriot of your country and your state? Prove it.
15. How will you build (step by step) your career?
16. Explain in your own words what does the statement “The more you learn the better you cope with things” mean?
18. Do you think a qualified specialist should be sympathetic towards people? Should be interested in people?
19. How are qualified specialists sometimes shown on the movie or television screen? Have you seen any films about them? Comment on them.
20. Do you feel envy anybody?
21. Why do people ask questions? Are there any reasons for asking questions? Describe different ways of asking questions. What can you help to understand the right meaning of the questions? Do you think the ability of putting and answering questions helps in building step by step of your career?
22. Do you think a top specialist should be able to get as much information as possible from people / to make a favorable impression on people? Do you know how to make people talk with you / how to win the respect of people? How can you get people interested in what you say or do?
23. Is it difficult or easy for a shy person to attract people’s attention to what he/she says?
24. Is it good if you use very long sentences? Is it difficult to express your ideas clearly? Is it difficult to be easily understood?
25. Would you like to be a child again? Why?
26. Do you think much about clothes? Many British people just like to be comfortable. What about you?
27. If you are not sure what to wear you: a) watch what other people do and do the same; b) ask for advice of a friend / wife / husband / boyfriend / girlfriend / parents ?
28. Which job is less stressful / more stressful; (architect, teacher, banker, barber (hairdresser), beautician, dentist, engineer, carpenter, farmer, gas fitter, glazier, lawyer, interpreter, programmer, bus driver, and writer)? Why do you think so?
29. Do you find doing shift work is more stressful than a nine – to – five jobs?
30. What should every applicant keep in mind?
31. What approaches to applying for a job do you know? Which approach would you like to use to get your future job? Does the approach you use depend on the job?
32. What is essential for a successful job interview?
33.How have you coped when your work has been criticized?
34.Where have you been unable to get on with others?
35.How would your colleagues describe you?
36.What do you think about the Office slang acronym « GOOD job»? Managers say it is - A "Get-Out-Of-Debt" job. A well-paying job people take in order to pay off their debts.
Test yourself with «Psychology Questionnaire 2»: This questionnaire is intended to help you to think about your psychological portrait and your ambitions. Discuss these questions in small groups.
Do you laugh …………..
1. When you don’t know what to say. 2. If you don’t think it’s funny but someone wants you to laugh. 3. If someone is clumsy (maladroit, gauche). 4. At a joke about other nationalities. 5. When someone tries to do something they aren’t good at. 6. When someone makes fun of a third person. 7. When you get embarrassed. 8. At jokes about people with physical or mental handicaps. 9. At a person dressed up or made up strangely. 10. At sarcastic remarks. 11. At things you disagree with or don’t understand. 12. When someone makes fun of you. 13. At your own jokes. 14. Because other people are laughing |
Read the CV below. What details would you expect to find in curriculum vitae?
Make sure your CV has a clear structure - include career overview, skills overview, qualifications (education/professional) and employment history.
Name Age Marital Status Location Nationality Mobile Skype E-mail ______________________ Experience September 2009 – present January 2007 – 2009 Education 2003 – 2008 1993 – 2003 IT skills Languages Russian English French German Outstanding achievements Personality References | Irina Polyakova Single Russia Russian +79213759824 polyakovairina ___________________________________ International Trade Group Assistant manager Responsibilities include organizing meetings, selections for marketing activities, forecasting and analysis. Contact ltd Marketing manager Responsibilities include marketing planning. Graduate of Arkhangelsk State Technical University Institute of Economics, Finance and Business, BSc inEconomics and Management at the Enterprises Secondary school 25 Numerate and familiar with computers, HTML, 3D basics, hand sketches, photography. Proficient user of Windows XP. Native Fluent – reading, speaking, writing. (FCE certificate, level B), I’ve been studying English since 1995 in a private language school «Globus». I’ve participated in some University’s international projects: University of Arctic North2North student mobility program. Fluent. My aunt lives in Grenoble. Advanced – reading, speaking. Successful product launch in previous job. Ambitious, hardworking, punctual, well disciplined and open-minded. On request. |
Contents Unit 1. Self-presentation, your family, your flat….………………...3 |
Unit2. Your Daily routine and hobby …………………………….. 10 |
Unit 3. Russia ( its geographical position, climate, natural and mineral resources & industry) ………………..17 |
Unit 4. Great Britain (its geographical position, climate, relief) …..23 |
Unit 5. London ……………………………………………………......28 |
Unit 6. Arkhangelsk ………………………………………………….35 |
Unit 7. Customs and traditions of Great Britain …………………..42 Unit 8. Traveling ……………………………………………………..49 |
Unit 9. Our University ……………………………………………….55 |
Unit 10. Your speciality ……………………………………………...63 |
Unit 11. Russia (its political system, Russia’s ancient capital)……69 |
Unit 12. Great Britain (its political structure and industry)….……79 |
Unit 13. English-speaking countries (the USA, Canada and Australia) ………………………………………………………...86 |
Unit 14. The Russian North (the land of Pomors) …………….…....94 |
Unit 15. Your plans for the future ………………………………..…99 Unit 16. Attending a job interview ………………………………… 105 |
1. Алексеева Т.Г., Анисимова Л.В., Дружинина М.В. и др. Культура на Севере: на пути к многоязычию: Учебное пособие для вузов. / Под ред. М.В. Дружининой. – Архангельск: Поморский университет, 2009. – 276с.
2.Булатов В.Н. Русский Север: Учебное пособие для вузов. – М.: Академический проект, Гаудеамус, 2006. – 576с.
3. Живой английский. Беседы носителей языка (Великобритания)./ Под ред. А.И. Пахотина. – М.: Издатель Карева А.К., 2007. – 264с.
4. Кабакчи В.В. Практика англоязычной межкультурной коммуникации. – СПб.: Издательство «Союз», 2001. – 480с.
5. Калинина М.А. Job interview: Как пройти собеседование при устройстве на работу: Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку. – Архангельск: Изд-во АГТУ, 2007. – 22с.
6. Bryant S. The story of the Internet. –Edinburgh: Pearson Education Ltd, 2000. – 71 p.
7. Hewitt K., Feklin M. Understanding Britain. - Oxford: «Perspective Publications Ltd», 1996. – 265 p.
8. Hewitt K., Feklin M. Understanding British Institutions. - Oxford: «Perspective Publications Ltd», 1998. – 265 p.
Дата добавления: 2016-03-05; просмотров: 1759;