Work with your partner. Decide whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with these statements about job applications, CV, and interviews.

  A D
1. It is not necessary for applicants to put their date of birth on their application.    
2. You should communicate your strengths and your achievements during the interview. You should highlight achievements to demonstrate your successes.    
3. Your CV should be no longer than two pages long.    
4. It is a good idea to mention your competence in foreign languages (basic, good, fluent) during the interview, but you should be honest.    
5. Be positive - don't be too modest and don't lie about your experience.    
6. It is a good practice to include a photograph on curriculum vitae.    
7. You should tailor your CV to each job application. Aim to make an impact on the reader.    
8. Don't provide personal information such as weight and height.    
9. Make sure your CV has a clear structure - include career overview, skills overview, qualifications (education/professional) and employment history.    
10. Don't include your required salary. You cannot win - the figure will often be too high, or sometimes even too low. Negotiate this after you've got the job!    
11. Look committed and find out as much as possible about the company. Visit their web site for more information about the company.    
12. Read the job description carefully. Be confident that you are technically qualified to do the job. Have examples from your previous roles to demonstrate your ability to do this job. Make sure you meet all the criteria detailed in the job description.    
13. During the interview you should demonstrate that you can contribute to the company or industry. You should show an interest in its products and/or services.    
14. At an interview it is appropriate to ask female applicants about their plans for starting a family.    
15.Uncertainty and disorganization show the interviewer that you are unprepared and unclear what your goals are.    
16.Youshouldn’t express strong prejudices or any personal intolerance.    

Exercise4. (a)

Here are some job advertisements (объявлений о приеме на работу). One of the ads is a joke. Read and find it. Choose one of them and write an application letter.


Petroleum Industry Electrical Association seeks a service manager.

Our businesses all require common skills: adaptability, service attitude and responsiveness. They also require a high level of professionalism. For this reason, your training is an integral part of our business strategy. Prefers: fluency in English. A valid driving license necessary. If you pass the test, and you are equally convincing, you will be likely to receive a prompt offer to join.

Please contact our HR specialist. Tel: +44 7593 412955

E-mail: +44 7593 360576









What are the questions most commonly asked by applicant? Decide whether you agree or disagree?

1. How many people are employed this year?

2. Does your company hire people of all nationalities?

3. What is the background of the company’s Chief Executive Officer/Personnel Manager?

4. How much does your company invest in R&D? How many people currently work in R&D?

5. How much does your company invest in Information Technology?

6. What is your company’s revenue?

7. What is the company’s market value (рыночная стоимость)?

8. How fast is the company growing?

(c) Write an application letter (письмо, прилагаемое к резюме, где претендент сообщает работодателю об источнике получения информации о вакансии, перечисляет причины, почему он претендует на данное место работы). Use the information below:

  Sergey Kononov 45, Pomorskaya St Arkhangelsk April 23, 2011 Mr. Paul Harris Managing Director Mercury Trade Company 12 Park Rd Glasgow   Dear Mr. Harris, Your advertisement for a Sales Manager in last week’s issue of the «International Journal» interests me very much. As I mentioned during our phone conversation I would very much like to have the opportunity to work for you. I hope you will consider me for the position. I have been working as an economist for several companies for 3 years. I have analyzed sales figures and produced relevant reports and charts. Now I think I want a change and learn something different than my present work. As you can see from my enclosed resume I have several qualifications for selling. My previous work abroad gave me a lot of experience working in a multinational team, which I suppose will be important in the context of this job. Please let me know if there is any possibility to work for your company. I may be reached by telephone at 8911465789. Thank you to your attention to my letter. Yours sincerely Sergey Kononov Sergey Kononov


Test yourself with «Psychology Questionnaire 1»: This questionnaire is intended to help you to think about your psychological portrait and your ambitions. Discuss these questions in small groups.

Learn the following phrases which can be used in discussions: a majority of us believe… / a proof of this is…/ I’d like to call your attention…/ broadly speaking …/ but I’m very sorry to say… / on the one hand …but on the other hand …/ by the way I have no mentioned …/ coming back to the main subject …/ for this reason …/ I am afraid I am not familiar enough with the subject …/ etc.



Do you get embarrassed ….. ….?

1. If someone uses words you think are dirty in public.

2. If your parents, husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, colleagues, boss, teacher start shouting at you in public.

3. If people pay a lot of attention to you.

4. If someone asks you a very personal question.

5. If you have to make a speech in front of a large group.

6. If you want to ask a question after a lecture or speech.

7. When you want to complain about something in a restaurant or shop or at work.

8. If you know or think people are talking about you.

9. If people come to visit unexpectedly and your house is a mess.

10. If you break something in a shop.

11. If you arrive very late for something important.

12. When you arrive at a party or dinner or meeting wearing the wrong type of clothes.

13. If you don’t you know how to behave during an interview?


Exercise 5.

Дата добавления: 2016-03-05; просмотров: 1208;

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