The procedure of state supervision over compliance with requirements of standards, specifications, metrological rules and norms
Public metrological service RK as organizational basis of metrological ensuring quality management
metrological control measurement
The public metrological service of Kazakhstan (GMS) represents set of the government metrological bodies and is created for management of activities for ensuring unity of measurements.
The general management of GMS is performed by Gosstandart of RK to which the Law "About Ensuring Unity of Measurements" assigned the following functions:
interregional and interindustry coordination of activities for ensuring unity of measurements;
representation to the Government of RK of offers on units of sizes allowed to application;
establishment of rules of creation, statement, storage and application of standards of units of sizes;
definition of the general metrological requirements to means, methods and results of measurements;
state metrological control and supervision;
participation in activity of the international organizations for ensuring unity of measurements;
the approval of normative documents on ensuring unity of measurements;
statement of the state standards;
establishment of intertesting intervals of measuring instruments;
establishment of an order of development and certification of techniques of performance of measurements;
maintaining and coordination of activity of the State scientific metrological centers, Public metrological service, Public service of time and frequency, Public service of standard samples, Public service of standard help data;
accreditation of the state centers of tests of measuring instruments;
the statement like measuring instruments;
maintaining the State register of measuring instruments;
accreditation of metrological services of legal entities on the right of checking of measuring instruments;
the approval of lists of the measuring instruments which are subject to checking;
establishment of an order of licensing of activities of legal entities and individuals for production, repair, sale and hire of measuring instruments;
the organization of activity and accreditation of metrological services of legal entities on the right of carrying out calibration works;
planning and organization of performance of metrological works.
Seven state scientific metrological centers, the All-Russian research institute of metrological service and about 100 centers of standardization and metrology are a part of GMS. Scientific centers are holders of the state standards, and also conduct researches on the theory of measurements, the principles and methods of high-precision measurements, development of scientific and methodical bases of improvement of the Russian measuring system. [4, page 335].
To provide uniformity of measuring instruments in the country, the debugged service of transfer of the sizes of units of sizes from the state standards to the coordinated standards is necessary. For this purpose it is necessary to support metrological characteristics of standards at the level of the best world samples, and, above all - their errors. The state scientific metrological centers which store are engaged in it and improve about 120 state standards of various sizes. The most large number of standards is in the Reference Center "Kazinmetr" Along with GMS deal with issues of ensuring unity of measurements: Public service of time, frequency and determination of parameters of rotation of Earth, Public service of standard samples of structure and properties of substances and materials, Public service of standard help data on physical constants and properties of substances and materials. Activity of these services as it was noted above, Gosstandart of RK which coordinates their work with work of GMS on the basis of uniform technical policy directs.
GSVCh, without being GMS component, it is closely connected with it as is engaged in reproduction, storage and transfer of the sizes of units of time and frequencies, scales of the world time, coordinates of poles of Earth.
GSSO will organize creation and use of system of reference samples of structure and properties of substances and materials (alloys, medical preparations, soils, etc.), the service also provides development of means of comparison of characteristics of standard samples to characteristics of substances and materials which are made by industrial, agricultural and other enterprises, for their identification and control.
GSSSD is engaged in creation of authentic characteristics of physical constants, properties of substances and materials, mineral raw materials, etc., periodically publishing help data.
In many government bodies of management metrological services which function according to the Provision on metrological service which is subject to coordination with RK Gosstandart are created. The main objectives, the rights and obligations of such services of government bodies of management and legal entities irrespective of form of ownership are determined in Rules by PR 50-732-93 metrology "by GSI. Standard provision on metrological service of government bodies of management and legal entities". This document provides introduction to structure of governing bodies of metrological divisions. So, in Central office of management the position of the chief metrologist, in branches - head and basic metrological services, at the enterprises - calibration laboratories and divisions on repair of measuring instruments is created. On the basis of the Law RK "About Ensuring Unity of Measurements" creation of metrological services obligatory in spheres: health care, the environmental protection, safety of work, production delivered under contracts for the state needs, tests and quality control of production for determination of compliance to obligatory requirements of state standards, obligatory certification, etc.
Metrological services of government bodies of management and legal entities will organize the activity on the basis of provisions of the Laws "About Ensuring Unity of Measurements", "About Technical Regulation", and also resolutions of the government of RK, administrative acts of subjects of federation, areas and the cities, normative documents of the State system of ensuring unity of measurements and resolutions of Gosstandart of RK.
Ensuring unity and the demanded accuracy of measurements, implementation of metrological control and supervision with way belong to the main objectives of metrological services: calibrations of measuring instruments; supervision of a state and application of measuring instruments, observance of metrological rules and norms; checks of timeliness of representation of measuring instruments on tests for the statement like measuring instruments, and also in actual fact and calibration.
Metrological services of the enterprises have to pay special attention to a condition of measurements, observance of metrological rules and norms at tests and quality control of products for determination of compliance to obligatory requirements of state standards of RK at performance by the enterprise of works on obligatory certification of production and services. Specialists of metrological services of the enterprise have to take active part in certification of test divisions, in preparation and certification of productions and certification of quality systems.
The parent and basic organizations of metrological service are subject to accreditation which is carried out by government bodies of management with involvement of experts of GMS. Metrological services of the enterprises can be accredited on the right of calibration of measuring instruments on the basis of the contracts signed with the state scientific metrological centers or bodies of GMS.
Analysis of the metrological provision (MP) companies providing stage of the life cycle of the product. Analysis of Defense at the stage of technological preparation of production and its release
The metrological providing (MP) is understood as establishment and application of the scientific and organizational bases, technical means, rules and norms necessary for achievement of unity and the demanded accuracy measurement. The main tendency in development of metrological providing is transition from the existing earlier rather narrow problem of ensuring unity and the demanded accuracy of measurements to essentially new problem of ensuring quality of measurements.
Quality of measurements concept wider, than accuracy of measurements. It characterizes set of the SI properties providing in due time results of measurements with demanded by the accuracy (the size of the allowed errors), reliability, correctness, convergence and reproducibility.
The concept "metrological providing" is applied, as a rule, in relation to measurements (test, control) in general. At the same time allow use of the term "metrological ensuring technological process (production, organization)", meaning at this MO of measurements (tests or control) in this process, production, the organization.
Object of metrological providing are all stages of the life cycle (LC) of a product (production) or service. ZhTs is understood as set of the consecutive interconnected processes of creation and change of a condition of production from a formulation of initial requirements to it before the end of operation or consumption.
So, at a stage of development of production the choice of controlled parameters, norms of accuracy, admissions, gages, control and test is made for quality achievement of a product. Also metrological examination of design and technological documentation is carried out.
When developing metrological providing it is necessary to use system approach which essence consists in consideration of the specified providing as sets of the interconnected processes united by one purpose achievement of the demanded quality of measurements.
Such processes are:
• establishment of the rational nomenclature of the measured parameters and optimum norms of accuracy of measurements at quality control of production and management of processes;
• feasibility study and choice of SI, tests and control and establishment of their rational nomenclature;
• standardization, unification and an aggregation of the used control and measuring equipment;
• development, introduction and certification of modern techniques of performance of measurement, tests and control (MVI);
• checking, metrological certification and calibration of the control and measuring and test equipment (KIO) applied at the enterprise;
• control of production, a state, application and repair of KIO, and also of observance of metrological rules and norms at the enterprise;
• participation in development and deployment of standards of the enterprise;
• introduction of the international, state and industry standards, and also other normative documents of Gosstandart;
• carrying out metrological examination of drafts of standard, design and technological documentation;
• carrying out the analysis of a condition of measurements, development on its basis and implementation of actions for improvement of MO;
• training of employees of the relevant services and divisions of the enterprise for performance of control and measuring operations.
Metrological providing has four bases: scientific, organizational, standard and technical. Separate aspects of MO are considered in the recommendation of MI 2500-98 about metrological providing small enterprises. Development and carrying out actions of MO it is assigned to the metrological services (MS). Metrological service - the service created according to the legislation for performance of work on ensuring unity of measurements and implementation of metrological control and supervision
Дата добавления: 2015-12-26; просмотров: 1086;