Femoral Herniorrhaphy.

There are some methods of surgical treatment of the femoral hernia, where the plastic repair is performed intraperitoneally from the side of thigh through the inguinal canal.

The Bassini’s method is attributed to “femoral”. It is performed through an incision, that passes under inguinal fold. After removal of hernial sac the hernial opening is closed by suturing of inguinal ligament (1) to the pectineal ligament (2) without pressure of femoral vein (3) (fig. 26). The Rudgi-Parlavecho method (fig. 27). Ends of the transversus and internal oblique muscles and inguinal ligament sutured to the periosteum of pubic bone.


Figure 26 – Bassini’s method

    Figure 27 –Rudgi-Parlavecho’s method

Дата добавления: 2015-07-04; просмотров: 756;

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