Ex.7. Use the phrases below to follow the chart of the Main Part of a presentation.


Talk about main issues and problems Refer to other points and facts Add ideas and offer things


In addition to this, I’d like to say….

According to the survey, our production is….

I think we first need to identify the problem.

We will have to take care of this problem now.

I’d like to mention some facts in connection with/concerning payment.

Apart from being too expensive, this model is also too big.

As well as that, we can offer excellent conditions.

With respect/regard to the process, we need more details.

If we don’t solve the problem now…

The question is: why don’t wetackle the production problems?

Moreover/Furthermore, there are other interesting facts we should consider.

Of course, we have to clarify a few points.

We will have to deal withthe problem of increasing prices.

How shall we cope with unfair business partners?


Ex.8. Choose the correct verb.

1. How are we going to solve/deal/tackle with delivery problems?

2. I don’t think we can cope/tackle/take care with more customers.

3. We think it’s important to identify/deal/cope the problems now.

4. Who will take care/deal/tackle of our business clients?

5. We have been trying to cope/solve/take care the software problems.

6. Before we go on, let’s identify/clarify/solve this question.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-01; просмотров: 1275;

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