Ex. 1. Answer the following questions.

1. How is electricity supplied to trains on the railway?

2. What is a pantograph?

3. Compare a diesel train and an electric train.

4. What is the purpose of regenerative breaking?

5. What can be the sources of electricity?

6. What are disadvantages of electric traction?


Ex.2. Match synonyms in A and B.

A. use (v), motor, purpose, overhead line, supply (v), generate, power (n), some, work (v).

B. aim, energy, operate, apply, engine, provide, several, catenary, produce.


Ex.3. Use suffixes –(t)ion, -ment, (s)sion to form nouns from the given verbs:

verb: generate, transmit, distribute, produce, interrupt, operate, complicate, develop.


Ex.4. Use prefixes to form antonyms to the given words and translate them into Russian:

dis-: advantage, charge (v), mount (v), connect.

in-: efficient, correct, sufficient, dependence.

re-: new, generate, produce, build.

un-: safe, reliable, able, limited, expected.


Ex.5. Translate attributive groups into Russian.

Electrical multiple units, railway transmission lines, electric grid power, railway distribution lines, overhead wire system, electric railway fourth rail, diesel engine disadvantages, electric traction system, carbon dioxide emission, solar energy advantages, passenger safety hazards.


Ex.6. Read and translate the text.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-01; просмотров: 1036;

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