Quick check. 1. What made Pavlov devote his life to physiology?

1. What made Pavlov devote his life to physiology?

2. What does the term “chronic” experiment mean?

3. Does the merit of inventing the method of establishing fistulas in the ducts of salivary glands belong to Pavlov?

4. What did the discovery of the function of conditioned reflexes help to study?

5. Name three principles of the theory of reflexes.

6. What did the development of these principles lead to?

7. Where do conditioned reflexes start?

8. What is the main postulate of the theory of “artificial conditioned reflexes”?

9. What was the outcome of all Pavlov`s investigations?

10. What highest award did I.P. Pavlov receive and when?


Text 4. Dihybrid Inheritance

Mendel would have had a problem interpreting the genetics of coat colour in Labrador retrievers because this is controlled by two genes, not one. Labrador retrievers have three possible coat colours (black, yellow, and chocolate or liver) controlled by two sets of genes. One set determines whether the retriever will be dark (either black or chocolate) or light (yellow). Dark is dominant to light. The second set comes into play only if the dog is dark. This set determines whether the dog is black (the dominant trait) or chocolate (the recessive trait). Labrador retrievers were bred originally as water dogs, trained to haul cod nets ashore and retrieve items lost overboard.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-06; просмотров: 718;

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