Text 5. Sex Determination
One of the most fascinating marine animals is the slipper limpet, a mollusc with the intriguing scientific name of Crepidula fornicate. It was given this name because it has the surprising ability to change its sex. The limpets are immobile for most of their lives, growing in chains. The sex of each limpet depends on its size and its position in the chain. The young, small individuals are males, with long tapering penises which fertilise females lower in the chain. In due course, when a male has grown and has been settled on by another smaller limpet, the male loses its penis and grows into a female. Thus large females occur at the base of the chain, with animals changing sex above them, and males at the apex. In this way, the limpets have been able to combine immobility with internal fertilisation.
Дата добавления: 2015-07-06; просмотров: 725;