Measures on the removal of reasons of origin of unhappy
case (failures)
(measures on the removal of direct reasons of origin |
accident and prevention of parallel instances) |
measures on liquidation of consequences of failure – in the case of necessity)
Conclusion of commission
(an accident is considered ( ignores) linked |
with production) (there is an act form of Í-1 or form |
NPV, card of form of P-5 – in the case of sharp professional |
disease (poisoning) (information about persons, in that |
number of victim, workers of other enterprise |
or brought extraneous persons over, actions or inactivity of which |
to the accident (failures), list of violations of requirements |
legislations about a labour, posts instructions protection |
and others like that (with pointing of the articles, sections, points) |
(suggestions in relation to bringing in to responsibility of persons |
the actions or inactivity of which resulted in an accident
(failures) (record about meeting of members of commission from investigation |
та їх недостатність (якщо це вплинуло на подію) |
(узагальнені результати перевірки стану охорони праці |
на підприємстві, проведеної органами державного |
нагляду за охороною праці та іншими органами - тільки |
у разі групового нещасного випадку та нещасного |
випадку із смертельним наслідком)
Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 867;