Measures on the removal of reasons of origin of unhappy

case (failures)


(measures on the removal of direct reasons of origin
accident and prevention of parallel instances)

measures on liquidation of consequences of failure – in the case of necessity)

Conclusion of commission


(an accident is considered ( ignores) linked
with production) (there is an act form of Í-1 or form
NPV, card of form of P-5 – in the case of sharp professional
disease (poisoning) (information about persons, in that
number of victim, workers of other enterprise
or brought extraneous persons over, actions or inactivity of which
to the accident (failures), list of violations of requirements
legislations about a labour, posts instructions protection
and others like that (with pointing of the articles, sections, points)
(suggestions in relation to bringing in to responsibility of persons

the actions or inactivity of which resulted in an accident

(failures) (record about meeting of members of commission from investigation


та їх недостатність (якщо це вплинуло на подію)
(узагальнені результати перевірки стану охорони праці
на підприємстві, проведеної органами державного
нагляду за охороною праці та іншими органами - тільки
у разі групового нещасного випадку та нещасного

випадку із смертельним наслідком)

Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 867;

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