Let’s consider some aeronautical equipment and electronics of aircraft (AE&E) as an object, being designed. Various equipment or plants documentation being designed again ought to have a part «Labour Precaution».
Tasks of the chapter:
To develop the measures providing safe and harmless working conditions of the designed object in maintenance, storage, transportation, mounting, dismantling, and repair.
To develop the measures of fire and explosion safety of the designing object.
To compose instructions (fundamental) for technical safety, fire and explosion safety for device, equipment or production process that are under a design.
Chapter «Labour Precaution» is an independent section. It must include four subdivisions irrespective of equipment’s or object’s type under designing.
- List of dangerous and harmful production factors in technical maintenance of the object under designing;
- Technical measures excluding or limiting an impact of dangerous and harmful production factors on personnel.
- Guaranteeing of fire and explosion safety of the object under designing;
- Safety directions, fire and explosive safety uses.
Labour safety measures which are providing a labour precaution are necessary to be developed only according to requirements of the ДНАОП, НАОП, ДСТУ, ДСН, Operating building norms and regulations (ДБН), Rules for electric installations arrangement (ПУЕ), Rules of technical maintenance of the consumers electric installations (ПТЕ) and Safety directions in operation of the consumers electric installations (ПТБ). The terms and definitions on labour precaution in diploma project are ought to be brought according to the requirements of the Ukraine standards on safety of work - ДСТУ 2293-93.
Designing the concrete plants, devices, equipment, systems is necessary to develop (to foresee) first of all arrangements which are providing safe maintenance of these plants, devices and equipment. If they are used in the system as a block, unit, sub-block of this system, then safety questions in the project ought to provide system operation safety, and this must be grounded and proved not only in part «Labour Precaution», but in other parts of explanatory notes. In such cases in part «Labour Precaution» only the reference is made on parts, where the calculations, figures and grounding are included.
Let’s consider the requirements to each from four subdivisions in part «Labour Precaution».
Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 626;