Public query


New SQLiteQueryBuilder


SetTables getTableName


If isCollectionUri

SetProjectionMap getDefaultProjection


AppendWhere getIdColumnName getPathSegments get



If isEmpty






Null null

SetNotificationUri getContext getContentResolver



We create a and pour the query details into the builder. Note that the query could be based on either a collection or an instance – in the latter case, we need to add the instance ID to the query. When done, we use the method on the builder to get a for the results.




Your method will receive a representing the collection and a structure with the initial data for the new instance. You are responsible for creating the new instance, filling in the supplied data, and returning a to the new instance.

If this is a SQLite‑backed content provider, once again, the implementation is mostly boilerplate: validate that all required values were supplied by the activity, merge your own notion of default values with the supplied data, and call on the database to actually create the instance.

For example, here is from :


Public insert


If null

New ContentValues


New ContentValues



If isCollectionUri

Throw new IllegalArgumentException



For getRequiredColumns

Дата добавления: 2015-05-16; просмотров: 737;

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