Bouvier des Flandres


The Bouvier was often used for police work in Europe. Today, the greatest number of working‑quality Bouviers are bred in the Netherlands, and at least one police department on the Eastern seaboard of the United States has imported several of these animals.


Boxer. (Richard Tomata’s and William Scolnik’s Ch. Happy Ours Fortune de Jacquet.)


Belgian Groenandael. (Charley Bartholomew’s Gillian de Loup Noir, Schutzhund III, Ring I.)


Rottweiler. (Kathy Jo Megan’s “Diego.”)


Belgian Tervuren.



At one time the Boxer was second in popularity only to the German Shepherd Dog in German Schutzhund clubs. They are used as guide dogs and also in the West German police and military.


Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 767;

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