Abbreviations and Acronyms


The multi-mode receiver (MMR) contains the instrument landing system and the global positioning system functions. This section only covers the instrument landing system function.

The instrument landing system (ILS) provides lateral and vertical position data neccessary to put the airplane on the runway for approach. The system uses signals from a glideslope ground station and a localizer ground station.

The glideslope ground station transmits signals to give the airplane a descent path to the touchdown point on the runway.

The localizer ground station transmits signals to give the

airplane lateral guidance to the runway centerline.


Abbreviations and Acronyms

· AC - alternating current

· ACP - audio control panel

· alt - alternate

· altn - alternate

· app - approach

· ARINC - Aeronautical Radio, Inc.

· BITE - built-in test equipment

· BL - buttock line

· CAPT - captain

· DC - direct current

· DEU - display electronics unit

· DME - distance measurement equipment

· EFIS - electronic flight instrument system

· F/O - first officer

· FCC - flight control computer

· FDAU - flight data acquisition unit

· FMC - flight management computer

· freq - frequency

· fwd - forward

· grd - ground

· ILS - instrument landing system

· LCD - liquid crystal display

· LED - light emitting diode

· LRU - line replaceable unit

· maint - maintenance

· MHz - megahertz

· MMR - multi-mode receiver

· MKR - marker beacon

· NAV - navigation

· NCD - no computed data

· ND - navigation display

· norm - normal

· PFD - primary flight display



Дата добавления: 2015-04-21; просмотров: 793;

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