Некоторые наиболее распространенные редуцированные / искаженные формы, характерные для разговорной речи низкого уровня.
ain't Û am not / is not / are not / have not / has not
I ain't going there. ÞЯ не пойду туда.
We ain't got money. ÞУ нас нет денег.
ain'tcha Û ain't you;
a'bin Û have been;
an' Û and;
anyways Û anyway;
'ave / 've / 'a Û have;
'appen Û happen; 'ere Û here; 'ome Û home; 'e Û he; 'ow Û how;
awys Û orluss Û always;
a Û o' Û of;
can'tcha Û can't you;
coulda Û could have;
coupla Û couple of;
c'mon Û come on;
don'tcha Û don't you;
didja Û did you;
fella Û fellow;
fost Û first; wok Û work;
g'night Û good night;
gimme Û give me;
g'by Û good by;
gerrup Û get up;
gerraway Û get away;
gon'ta Û gonna Û to be going to:
You gonna stay here long? ÞТы собираешься долго пробыть здесь? / Ты будешь здесь долго?
gotta Û have got to;
hadda Û had to;
hellya Û hell do you;
heah Û here;
helluva Û hell of a;
. how'bout Û how about;
inna Û mto;
jes' Û just;
leggo Û let go;
lemme Û let me;
les's see Û let us see;
letcha Û let you;
me Û my:
me car / me house / ...
mek Û make; tek Û take;
'member Û remember;
mistah Û mister;
musta Û must have;
'n' Û than;
noa Û nope Û naw Û no;
on'y Û only;
oughta Û ought to;
outa Û out of;
orright Û all right; gerron Û get on;
sonuvabitch Û son of a bitch;
so's Û so as;
'sail right Û it's all right;
s'pose Û suppose;
shuah Û sure;
shurrup Û shut up;
speaka Û speak to; talka Û talk to;
tha' Û that;
they's Û there is;
tomorra Û tomorrow;
t'day Û today;
toucha Û touch; puncha Û punch:
You toucha my car. I puncha your nose. ÞДотронешься до машины, получишь в нос.
twenny Û twenty;
thirdy Û thirty;
toleja Û told you;
tellya Û tell you;
usta Û used to;
wanta Û wanna Û want to;
wi' Û with;
wun't Û won't;
whenja Û when did you;
wudja Û what do you /what did you;
willya Û will you;
wuddaya Û what do you;
ya / ye Û you / your;
yeah / yeap Û yes.
Пример английской искаженной речи низкого уровня:
— Who the' dell are yet An' why ye brung me 'ere? Û Who the devil are you? And why did you bring me here?
— I want to ask you some questions and I want truthful answers. Now, tell me what happened just before the ship sank.
— Weel, I tell ye, it wam't much different from any other cross-ing, 'cepting it were a rough sea. Û Well, I'll tell you. It was not much different from any other crossing, except it was a rough sea.
— Was there a fire on board?
— Jes' a wee one in one o' the topsails. Warn't none on deck 'til she blew. Then they 'us fire everywhere. Û Just a weak one in one of the topsails. Was not any on deck until she blew. Then there was fire everywhere.
— What was in the hold?
— Gunpowder, a 'course. Helped load 'er meself. 'Ope 'e rots in 'ell who lit it. Û Gunpowder, of course. I helped to load her myself. I hope he'll rot in hell who lit it.
Дата добавления: 2015-02-28; просмотров: 950;