II Выберите правильный вопрос к предложению.

11. They went to the concert two days ago.

a) Do they go to the concert two days ago?

b) Did they go to the concert two days ago?

c) Did they went to the concert two days ago?

12. He leaves home at 9 a.m. every day.

a) When does he leaves home every day?

b) When do he leaves home every day?

c) When does he leave home every day?

13. He will return in two hours.

a) When will he return?

b) When he will return?

c) When return will he?

14. The children are glad to have many toys.

a) Why do the children glad to have many toys?

b) Why are the children glad to have many toys?

c) Why the children are glad to have many toys?

15. There are two new buildings in the street.

a) How many new buildings are in the street?

b) How many new buildings are there in the street?

c) How many new buildings is there in the street?

Часть В – Лексика – Vocabulary

I Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим английским словам.

subject a несколько
need b обязательный
a few c предмет
compulsory d широкий
broad e нуждаться

II Соотнесите английские и русские фразы.

сдать экзамен a under the tutor’s direction
под руководством b to be based on
по телевизору c to get a degree
получить степень d to pass exams
основываться на e on TV

Дата добавления: 2014-12-02; просмотров: 2741;

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