II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and prove your answer by citing the article.

1. The researchers from California developed a method of camouflage that can be used only for textiles.

2. The newly developed stealth coating has perfect camouflage properties but cannot be dynamically tuned.

3. Squids and octopuses’s ability to change color is determined by a nanoscale mechanism.

4. Reflectin-based films have the reflectance within the wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum including the infrared region.

5. The novelty of the research presented in the article lies in the ability of the researchers to develop camouflage films that function within the infrared range.

III. Make up a plan of the article and give it to your partner. He or she should retell the article according to your plan. Then switch the roles.

IV. Work in pairs. One of you is a marine biologist; the other is a developer of stealth coatings. Make up a dialogue where you touch the issue of cephalopods’ color-changing process.


Использование данного пособия в учебном процессе будет способствовать развитию иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов, а именно совершенствованию навыков и умения чтения, письма и говорения. Языковой материал, используемый в пособии, соответствует темам, представленным в рабочих программах по направлению 222900 "Нанотехнологии и микросистемная техника".

Авторы будут признательны всем преподавателям и студентам за замечания и советы, которые помогут улучшить данное учебное пособие.


1. Bhushan B. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology – Würzburg, 2010. – pp. 50-52

2. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=34184.php

3. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=34328.php

4. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=34275.php

5. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=35064.php

6. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=35828.php

7. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=35418.php

8. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=35442.php

9. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=33210.php

10. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=31796.php





1. Мартемьянова М.А. Особенности формирования современных научных технических терминологических систем (на примере терминов нанотехнологий). Монография. Ижевск, 2012.

2. Степанова О.В., Коваленко Г.А., Мартемьянова М.А. Методические рекомендации для преподавателей по обучению говорению на иностранном языке студентов неязыковых направлений. Ижевск: ИжГТУ, 2011. рег. номер 1364/872 CD

3. Агабекян, И. П. Английский для инженеров: [учеб. пособие для втузов]/И. П. Агабекян, П. И. Коваленко.-Изд. 7-е, стер.-Ростов н/Д:Феникс,2009.-315, [5] с. :табл.-(Высшее образование).

4. Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use (third edition) + диск. Cambridge, 2009.

5. Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use (third edition). Cambridge, 2009.



Список выражений, рекомендуемых для написания резюме, реферата и анализа текстов, статей:

1. The article (text) is head-lined ...

The head-line of the article (I have read) is ...

2. The author of the article (text) is ...

The article is written by ...

3. It is (was) published in ...

It is (was) printed in ...

4. The main idea of the article (text) is ...

The article is about ...

The article is devoted to ...

The article deals with ...

The article touches upon ...

The article presents some results which illustrate ...

5. The purpose of the article (text) is to give the reader some information on ...;

... is to compare (to determine) ...

The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on ...

6. The author starts by telling the readers (about, that) ...

The author writes (states, stresses, thinks, points out) that ...

The article describes ...

According to the article (text) ...

Further the author reports (says) that ...

The article goes-on to say that …

7. The article is (can be) divided into 4 (5-7) parts.

The first part deals with ...

The second part is about ...

The third part touches upon ...

The fourth part of the article includes the fact on ...

8. In conclusion the article reads ...

The author comes to the conclusion that ...

9. I found the article (text) interesting (important, dull, of no value, easy, (too) hard

to understand ...).






Дата добавления: 2016-03-27; просмотров: 909;

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