Make up your own sentences with the adjectives from ex.1.





Read the text.

Where are you right now? At home, university, a friend’s house, a cyber cafe? Look around, what do you see? You see walls, floors, ceilings and furniture. At first glance it appears typical of interior space and your activities continue. Do you realize that you evaluate your surroundings and react to them? A positive reaction goes unnoticed. A negative reaction can affect your mood, health and interpersonal relations. The physical environment affects the occupants. It’s not just walls, floors, colors and furniture, it’s an environment that is created through design.

Interior design studies the relationship between physical space and its occupants. At first glance it might appear negligible, but think of places you like. Certain restaurants, stores, rooms in your house or even the work place and ask why? Typically it is due to the design of the space. Design elements work together in creating an environment that solicits response.

An interior designer learns to understand the design process and its application in daily life. This is an area in which we are all participants beginning from the colors in our nursery. What should be recommended? Shape the environment and thus, you will change the future.


surroundings, environment - окружение, среда

to evaluate - оценивать

negligible - незначительный, ничтожный

to solicit - просить

response - отклик, отзыв

application - применение

2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

на первый взгляд, настроение, процесс создания дизайна, формовать (придавать форму, вид), элементы дизайна, создание окружающей среды, негативная реакция, межличностные отношения, казаться типичным, влиять, физическое пространство, реагировать.


3. Find the synonyms in the text:

to attract no attention, to influence, to go on, to understand, to be fond of, thanks to, to seem, a shop, a children’s room, to start, to alter, to advise, to model.


4. Explain in English:

a cyber cafe, interior space, activities, occupants, daily, participants, to go unnoticed.


5. Answer the questions:

1). What affects us greater: positive or negative reaction to the environment?

2). What does interior design study?

3). Why do we like some places?

4). What must an interior designer know?

5). What should you do if you want to change your future?


6. Choose the most suitable title to the text and explain why:

1). The role of interior design in our life.

2). The influence of interior design on our life.

3). The purpose of studying the interior design.




Read the text.

Дата добавления: 2016-03-05; просмотров: 1237;

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