The SMV Rapid EGS is a harvester for exacting jobs, with all the attributes characteristic of a powerful single-grip harvester. The machine is equipped with a strong loader and stable chassis, which makes it excellent for handling trees in large-scale final felling. The basic model has 6 wheels, but will naturally gain greater stability as an 8-wheel model. The short, compact wagon chassis with double articulated frame locks forms an ideal base for RK 200 harvester loader, with has a very high lifting capacity.

With a stand-operating harvester, thinning is evenly distributed over the entire thinning area, and the strip road distance can be increased to just over 30 meters without additional manual felling. The Rottne 2004, stand-operating harvester, is narrow, compact, light-footed and flexible and a unique pendelum-arm system that provides first-class terrain capability. Thanks to the leveling feature it is always possible to retain the machine width even in stony and very hilly terrain.

There is a great need for brush cleaning in young forest stands and that is mostly done manually with a powered brush-saw. There are no machines special built to do the brush cleaning mechanically, but the stand operating harvester Rottne 2004 can easily be changed to a cleaning machine. A cleaning head, a mounting kit and 4 big wheels are what is needed to convert the machine to a very efficient brush cleaner.

The Rottne 5005 is a highly efficient machine for both thinning and final felling. This harvester is compact, flexible and easy to manoeuvre, and also has a strong loader with excellent reach. Rottne 5005 has unique pendulum-arm system, and its advenced leveling function enables the machine to cope with very difficult terrain. This machine is easy to operate.

Rottne H-20 is primarily designed for final felling and large sized trees, but as it is versatile and easy to operate it can very well be used as a strip road operating harvester in later thinning. The powerful loader RK 200 and the unique design of the head EGS 700 with five feed rollers keep the trunks in a firm grip which is a benefit for delimbing and the measurement accuracy.


The Cat 527, 515 and 525 Skidderscan easily handle a variety of tasks and applications for today’s loggers Maximum skidding performance is best attained through the available swing boom and grapple. This tool is ideal for locations with soft terrain. High horsepower and torque enhance the 527’s dozing abilities. The blade offers high levels of versatility in dozing and decking applications Expanded track options allow the 527 to maintain skidding performance and minimize ground disturbance. Superior balance and pulling power enable the 527 to skid large loads with the optional 527 winch. This highly productive winch has been specifically designed for the 527 skidder in steep and mountainous skidding applications.

Excellent skidder balance, plus the powerful mechanically driven, heavy duty skidding winch provides outstanding 515 and 525 cable skidding performance. Expanded tire options allow the 515 and 525 to maintain skidding performance in a wide range of ground conditions. The 525 is available with swing boom and grapple. With excellent balance and outstanding visibility, the 525 with swing boom is an ideal tool for very rough or soft terrain, thinnings, and select cuts. The 525 has the horse power and wheelbase to handle dual function arch and large capacity bunching grapples.

Load sensing Hydraulic system improves skidding performance and efficiency. Load Sensing hydraulics utilize a load sensing variable displacement pump and pressure compensating system, which continually monitors braking, steering, and grapple hydraulic power requirements. The Auto-Grab feature from Catconstantly monitors and adjusts tong pressure as needed to securely hold grapple loads while skidding.



Basic model of skidder ML-107



ML-107is intended for skidding trees and stems in half-loaded condition in unprepared cutting areas with stumps and brushwood up to 0,5 m, with continuous cutting at medium and large plantation.

The vehicle can be used in the whole territory of Russia at plain and cross-country area conditions on water-logged soft grounds.

The most output of ML-107 per shift is provided on clear cutting when operating together with felling-bunching machine that forms bunches of volume 1,5 – 2 m3 and at skidding distance to 1000 m.


parameters values
Type tracked
Operating mass, t
Maximum depth of ford, m
Width of trench, m 1,9
Height of wall, m 0,8
Specific ground pressure, kg/cm2 0,44
Maximum speed, km/h
Engine YAMZ-238D
Maximum power, kW (h. p.) 243 (330)
Loading moment of manipulator, kN-m
The biggest outreach of manipulator, m 8-8,5
Turning angle of manipulator, deg
Maximum angle of lifting, deg
Volume of bunch being skidded, m3
Maximum angle of roll, deg




Дата добавления: 2016-01-09; просмотров: 845;

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