Religious life in a Christian family

Shortly after birth a child is christened or baptized in the presence of its godfather or godmother and is thus received into the Christian Church. Religious upbringing and religious instruction or education (R.E. as a subject at school) are the responsibility of the Church, the parents and, in some countries, the schools. A baptized child should be taught how to lead a good Christian life, become acquainted with the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and learn the Lord's Prayer and the Creed. At about the age of 13, a Protestant child can be confirmed, thereby becom­ing a full member of the Church and thus entitled to receive Holy Communion. Catholic children receive their First Communion at the age of nine.

Pious churchgoers attend church services on Sundays to worship God. They listen to the sermon given by the clergyman preaching from the pulpit, pray to the Maker/Creator, sing hymns and donate money to the charity organizations run by the Church. Devout Catholics also go to confession regularly to tell the priest their sins in the confessional. A Christian's spiritual leader may be a Catholic priest, an Anglican vicar or rector, or, in the case of Presbyterian and some other Nonconformist Churches, a minister or pastor.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-05; просмотров: 754;

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