Traffic diverted


As the caisson moved out so did the waterside rail and caused the crane to spread.

On this berth one crane collapsed and the others buckled.


In the first few days following the earthquake, container traffic was diverted mainly to Tokyo (32 per cent),Yokohama (30 per cent) and nearby Osaka (25 cent) which also sustained some minor dam­age in the quake. Containers were also diverted to Nagoya and Shimizu and die principal Korean containerport, Pusan.

If lines co-operate with each other and working practices are adjusted there should be sufficient capacity in Tokyo Bay, Osaka and Nagoya to absorb the diversion, although transhipment traffic could well be switched to ports such as Hong Kong, Kaohsiung or Pusan, particularly given the high handling charges in Japan. Some lines resumed Kobe calls within a remarkably short time (eg APL is making weekly calls with a self-sustaining vessel).


Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 594;

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