Match the time.

  1. It’s three o’clock.
a) 10.35
  1. It’s a quarter past eight.
b) 8.05
  1. It’s ten thirty.
c) 11.25
  1. It’s five to five.
d) 1.58
  1. It’s nine twenty five.
e) 8.15
  1. It’s twenty-five to eleven.
f) 4.55
  1. It’s two to two.
g) 20.35
  1. It’s eleven twenty-five.
h) 9.25
  1. It’s five past eight.
i) 10.30
  1. It’s twenty thirty-five.
j) 3.00

12. What is the difference between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.? Look at the chart and check your answer.

a.m. morning 00.00–11.59
p.m. afternoon evening 12.00–17.59 18.00–23.59



00.00 = midnight

12.00 = midday (noon)

in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening / in the daytime

BUT: at night / at midnight / at noon

Match the times that are the same.


Example: 03.00 — 3 a.m. — three o’clock in the morning


1. 03.00 2 p.m. three o’clock in the afternoon
2. 15.00 8 p.m. two o’clock in the afternoon
3. 20.00 3 a.m. eight o’clock in the morning
4. 08.00 8 a.m. three o’clock in the morning
5. 14.00 3 p.m. eight o’clock in the evening


Days and Dates


What day is it today? — (It’s) Monday.
What date is it today? — (It’s) September 25th.
When is your birthday? — (It’s) in March.
25/09 ... — the twenty-fifth of September or September the twenty-fifth
1919 — nineteen nineteen
1800 — eighteen hundred
1805 — eighteen-oh-five


Days Months Seasons
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday January February March April May June July August September October November December winter spring summer autumn

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 1176;

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