Ex. 1. Complete the word puzzle and find the key-word.


1. ELECTRIC                  
2. ELECTRIC                  
3. ELECTRIC                
4. ELECTRIC                    
5. ELECTRIC                      
6. ELECTRIC                
7. ELECTRIC                  
8. ELECTRIC                


1. another term for amperage

2. provided by a battery, for example

3. measured as a wattage

4. allows current to flow through it

5. has very high electrical resistance

6. carried by moving electrons

7. another term for electrical “device”

8. the consequence of a person touching a live conductor


Ex. 2. Complete the extract about current and power calculations using the words in the box.


amps conductor current resistance voltage wattage
components circuit ohms supply volts watts


In electrical calculations, electromotive force is expressed by the letter E, resistance by the letter R, and current by the letter I (which comes from the word “intensity”).

According to Ohm’s Law: I = E/R.

In other words, the (1) … flowing through a (2)….. , measured in (3)….., equals the (4)..... of the electrical (5)….. , measured in (6)….. , divided by the total (7)….., measured in (8) … To work out the value of R, it is necessary to calculate the total resistance of all the (9)….. and connecting lengths of (10)….. that make up the circuit.

Once both the voltage and amperage are known, it is possible to work out the power, measured in (11)….., that will be consumed. Power (P) can be calculated using the equation P = EI. Therefore, (12)….. equals voltage multiplied by amperage.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-01; просмотров: 2526;

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