CLOSE HAULEDis as close to the wind as the boat will sail (say about 45°) 'Ib sail towards the wind a boat must TACKor zig-zag. (Also known as beating.) STARBOARD TACKis when the wind conies over the starboard side. PORT TACKis when the wind comes over the port side. TO TACK OR GO ABOUTis to change from one tack to the other by putting the bow through the wind. FINE OR CLOSE REACHis a course between close-hauled and a beam reach. TO LUFF-UPis to steer the boat towards the wind. TO BEAR AWAYis to steer away from the wind. BEAM REACHis when the wind comes over the beam (ie. 90°). TO GYBEis to let the mainsail change sides by putting the stern through the wind. BROAD REACH is when the wind comes over the quarter. DEAD RUN OR RUNNING BEFORE THE WIND is when the wind is blowing over the stern. LOOK UP WATCH THE WIND INDICATOR! |
Headsails can be attached to the stay by a grooved foil (A) or clipped on with hanks (B).
The mainsail can be made smaller (reefed) when the windspeed increases. But the headsails (below) are changed to match the weather conditions.
SPINNAKER Set flying on a pole. | CRUISING SHUTE Fixed to a stay top and bottom. | NO 1 GENOA Headsail that overlaps the mast | NO 2 GENOA | NO 1 JIB | NO 2 JIB | NO 3 JIB |
As the numbers get bigger the sails get smaller. |
In very rough weather conditions these very small sails can be set. |
Дата добавления: 2015-07-24; просмотров: 1238;