Ecological conditions in Ukraine and possible character of catastrophes
For the last decade ecological conditions got noticeable going down on the territory of Ukraine and up to this time it is evaluated as unfavorable. Rapid development of power – and chemical-technological centers has brought significant part of cities to categories of unfavorable, and several cities (Dneprodzerzynsk, Zaporozhye, Krivoy Rog) – to extremely unfavorable for living.
That situation gets worth by consequences of Chernobyl catastrophe (1986), periodical accidents in chemical industry and chemical dangerous plants where lots of strong acting poison substances (SAPS) are used. The territory of Ukraine has ammonia pipeline Talliatty – Odessa, and also a number of oil pipelines built.
Everyday trucks and trains transport tons of SAPS and there is a constant danger of accident on it.
Creation in Ukraine of chemical-technological centers has caused emission in atmosphere up to 45,000,000 tons of solid substances (soot) and not a less amount of harmful gases (ammonia, carbon and other). The waste water emission makes up to 180,000,000 tons of the aggressive and crude drains. That makes 95m3 of waste water per 1 hectare. That polluted almost all the rivers of Ukraine by chemicals. On the territory of Ukraine there're 5 working power stations, more than 3,000 plants apply radioactive substances in technology, scientific researches, and medical practice.
Chernobyl catastrophe polluted with radionuclides the significant Ukraine territory (3,420 km2), part of which (640 km2) is unacceptable for living in.
Large Ukraine territory (27,000 km2) has seismic activity. The earthquakes up to 9 numbers occur in the Crimea, in Northwestern region - 7 numbers, in Kiev – 4-6 numbers.
Tornado and cyclone are also possible in Ukraine. On July 20, 1987 the tornado in Volynsk district destroyed 2,500 hectare of the ground, the losses have made 5,000,000 in national currency.
Rivers of Ukraine have the cascade of hydrosystems (about 2000 dams) created. If they get ever destroyed flood zone may cover hundreds of localities. Only on the Kyiv boundaries possible flood zone can reach 42 km2 with 400,000 people living there.
If ecological condition remains unfavorable in Ukraine in future accidents and catastrophes in industry, transport and also natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, cyclones, fire) will be possible. All this creates emergency situations liquidation of which requires significant material resources investment.
Дата добавления: 2015-08-21; просмотров: 826;