Danger of Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
AIDS is one of the infectious diseases which spreads all over the continents of the Earth and induces thousands diseases. This is one of the most tragic problems humanity faces now. The disease is spreading incredibly fast. None is insured from getting AIDS-infection.
AIDS is a virus, which invades living tissues of an human's organism and induces fatal infectious disease.
The disease has extensive character and has several stages. The term «syndrome» means a number of symptoms. In each case AIDS exhibits as a deep defeat of an immune system, precisely its insufficiency, therefore its name has «ImmunoDeficiency». As it appears in some moment of life, not from birth, it's been named «acquired» (in difference from «inborn»).
The first cases of disease were registered in USA. AIDS invades from one person to another mainly through sexual contact independently on its way; through blood transfusion, organs transplantation; through numerous using of needles and syringes (basically by drug addicts), piercing ears, tattooing; through damages of skin or mucous covers by medical instruments etc.
The risk degree depends on the way of infecting. Probability of being infected during blood transfusion exceeds 90%, using non-sterile medical instruments from 0.5 to 1%, casual injection with a virus up to 0.3%.
After infection the moment of which is hard to define it comes the so called incubation period. It can last for 3- 6 weeks and then an acute phase occurs. Most often indicators of infection are running a high temperature, enlarging of lymphatic glands, tonsillitis and rash on face and body, indigestion, headache, feeling sick. This condition lasts for about 2-4 weeks and passes without any treatment. Antibodies of AIDS have not been formed yet and appear only after 1,5-3 months upon expiration of the acute phase, that is why in most cases infection can't be detected on this stage.
After the acute infection phase, non-symptom infection phase occurs. Detecting of the virus presence is possible only by special laboratory research tests, but the virus carrier is already dangerous for the health of a person. This period lasts up to 3-5 years and even more. This time person feels healthy but remains a carrier of infection. In this period some indications of the disease progressing appears: peripheral lymphatic glands are enlarged.
Then comes the period of «persisting generalized lymphoadenopatia». Continuous enlarging of lymphatic glands makes a patient visit a doctor. This stage can last for some years. This period is not late yet to visit doctor, the experts can slow down the deterioration of the immune system condition.
The next stage is the stage of secondary diseases: Enlarging of lymphatic glands is joined by such symptoms as indigestion, continuous (about 1 month) running a high temperature, losing a body weight reaching 10 % and more. Fast fatigue and night sweating is observed. Addition of the secondary infections induced by viruses, bacteria or protists, development of swellings, symptoms of nervous system and mental disorder testify about the final stage of AIDS.
At this stage medical efforts are directed to reduce the sufferings of the patient.
In the present time the medicine has no methods, which can cure the person from AIDS, but there are developed methods for treatment which stop development of disease.
By the time when scientists discover effective methods of prophylaxis treatment of AIDS, it's possible to prevent it's spreading by charging your own behavior. People with high sexual activity and chaotic sexual life style have much more chances to be AIDS infected than the other.
Дата добавления: 2015-08-21; просмотров: 934;